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Cloth Mask
Pagan Mask
Pig Mask
Cat Skull
Ram Skull
Just like its predecessor, in Red Dead Redemption 2 you can hide your identity with the use of a bandana. As many players have noted, the bandana seems to not actually do anything outside of story missions, and Arthur is usually instantly recognized. That's because Rockstar Games included another face covering meant to work much better, the large mask.
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There are a total of 9 masks for you to wear in Red Dead Redemption 2, and collecting them will only involve petty cash and a keen eye for your surroundings.
Cloth Mask

This is your default mask and is already on your horse from the start of the game. Speaking of, to choose which masks to keep on your horse, just go into your camp wardrobe under masks and select which ones you prefer. How many you can store will depend on factors such as how many you own, saddle upgrades, and game progress. In the early game, you'll only be able to hold 3, but eventually, you can store as many as 5.
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These 4 large masks will be bundled into the same entry due to the fact they are all obtained the same way. After completing the story mission The Spines Of America, you will gain access to the Emerald Ranch fence. Seamus does more than just buy stolen wagons and valuables from you, just like every fence you can buy purchase items such as dynamite, unique melee weapons, and a set of unique large masks.

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If you don't like Emerald Ranch as a fence, any fence you choose will sell you the masks. The fences are at Emerald Ranch, north of Rhodes, Saint Denis, and the Van Horn Trading Post. The masks are not equal in value, but this likely has nothing to do with their effectiveness, all masks will work to hide your identity up until you cause enough havoc in an area for the authorities to recognize you. If you don't wish to own every single mask, just make a save, buy them all, then pick which ones you liked on Arthur the most and reload to save so you only purchase your favorites.
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Pagan Mask

Check the opposite side of Owanjila, and you'll stumble across a gruesome location called The Pagan Ritual. Fans have had theories about the meaning of this location, but all that matters for the moment is that you will have to walk right up to the corpse in the center of the site.
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This skull likely belonged to a steer or a goat, but the owner will now be you once you pick it up. Arthur will immediately put it right on his face, without a care for the probable viscera inside, the same as he will for the rest of these masks.
Pig Mask

Another place for fan speculation is Butcher Creek. Some players agree with the populace that it's haunted, even Satanic, but the only matter for the moment is the namesake of the place. There is a butcher in Butcher Creek, and if you head there you'll find a Pig Mask.
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Someone very clearly made this, but it will not count as stolen property when Arthur nicks it, so don't worry about being wanted or starting a fight. There's one more thing to note about the Pig Mask.

All masks and the bandana have a description that they will hide your identity, except for the Pig Mask. This could easily be a glitch or something forgotten in the final product, but just in case, do be careful using this Mask during a robbery as there may be a chance it doesn't hide Arthur's identity.
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Cat Skull

Judging by the look of the mask, cat refers to big cat, probably a panther given this mask is in Lakay over in the Bayou Nwa.

Head to Lakay and look for this partly submerged building. Be careful about coming to Lakay at night, because during the night Lakay will sometimes become a hideout for the Night Folk. You don't want to deal with them in general, but dealing with them while trying to enter an enclosed location would be worse.

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You'll have to crouch to enter the door of the shack, then continue crouching until you reach the wall at the end. Jump up to the structure at the end, and you'll find this spooky skull hanging on the wall like an old hunting trophy.
Ram Skull

Unfortunately, this mask is only available during the Epilogue. True, many fans have used console commands or trickery to get to the area before they were supposed to, but for the rest of you, you will have to wait until you've entered the epilogue. Rathskeller Fork is a small farm in the upper left corner of New Austin. The owner considers all visitors to be trespassers, so it's best to sneak into the area at night to avoid a possible shootout.
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Enter the goat pen in the top right corner of Rathskeller Fork to find the Ram Skull hanging on a post.
NEXT: Red Dead Redemption 2: Cigarette Cards Locations