How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (2024)

  • How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (1)

    Alex Lefkowitz (Author)

    Alex Lefkowitz is the founder and CEO of Tasty Edits. He holds a BA in Entrepreneurship and is an experienced video editor, having edited hundreds of videos for dozens of creators before starting his own video editing company. Since launching Tasty Edits, he has directly managed thousands of video and thumbnail orders. Now, he draws on his experience working with professional creators to write about video editing, the creator economy, and video marketing. You can also read his work on Hackernoon and Medium. Plus, he's contributed several expert opinions in interviews and articles as a guest on platforms like Jotform.

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Alex Lefkowitz

  • Updated March 14, 2024

Planning your future as a video content creator? Then youā€™ll need to know exactly how much you can earn from YouTube videos.

Some YouTubers are making millions off the platform every single year. Giants Jimmy Donaldson (aka MrBeast) and Logan Paul are even well on the way to reaching billionaire status thanks to their YouTube fame. They operate on a different level.

For YouTube rookies, though, there are more realistic questions to answer. How much will you earn per video view? How much does YouTube pay for a batch of ad views? And how many subscribers or views do you need to make a living off the platform and become a full-time content creator?

We took a deep-dive into all the factors that determined how much YouTube pays for 1 million views. Plus, we asked successful creators to share their stats with you! Ready? Letā€™s dive right in!


How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (2)

Disclaimer: Views Aren't the Only Thing that Counts for Monetization!

Before we get into the nitty gritty of how much you can earn per view on YouTube, itā€™s important to understand that professional content creators donā€™t just rely on YouTube payouts to make a living. Most have multiple income streams, so that they can generate a solid income even if their YouTube earnings fluctuate.

To start with, most YouTubers use affiliate marketing. Youā€™ve seen this: They include links to products they mention or recommend in their video descriptions. When viewers click on these links to buy the products, they get a commission.

Plus, many also sell merchandise, from t-shirts to notepads, to their loyal fans. Jake Paul, for instance, has anentire merch storededicated to boxing-themed sports apparel.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (3)

Plenty of creators also sell digital products like onlinecourses and e-books, or offer premium content ontipping and subscription platformssuch as Patreon.

Most high-profile YouTubers also havesponsorship agreementswith various companies or are brand ambassadors. PewDiePie, for instance, has been sponsored by Ridge, Opera, World of Tanks, and NordVPN. Audible, G Fuel, and Loot Crate have all sponsored Markiplier.

Want to learn more? Check outour guide to YouTube monetization here!

That said, letā€™s move on to theper-view revenueyou can earn directly from YouTube.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (4)

Precondition: You Need to Join the Partner Program

There is one basic thing you need to do before you can start getting paid by YouTube at all. You need tojoin the YouTube Partner Program.

Otherwise, you wonā€™t earn a cent, even if one of your videos goes viral and gets several million views.

To get a cut of the ad revenue YouTube makes off your videos, you need to:

Only once youā€™ve checked all of these boxes and havesigned up for the Programvia YouTube Studio will you be able to start earning money off the platform. Plus, youā€™ll also have access to other on-platform monetization features.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (5)
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How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (6)

YouTube Payout Structure

Generally, there are three main modules that factor into how much money YouTube pays you for 1 million views:

  • Shorts monetization
  • Ads on horizontal video
  • Commerce produce module

The first of these, YouTube Shorts monetization, means you opt into Shorts Feed Ads. As a result, YouTube pays out 45% of its revenues on Shorts, with your share based on how many views you got compared to other Shorts creators. The funds come from the common Creator Pool.

Want to learn more about that works? Check out our full Shorts monetization guide here!

Second, YouTube will pay you 55% of the net revenues it makes from ads on your horizontal videos. This is known as Watch Page Ads, but also applies if your content is streamed on other sites or in apps through the YouTube Video Player.

Finally, the commerce produce module includes additional monetization features like channel such as Super Stickers, Super Chat, Super Thanks, and channel memberships:

  • Super Stickers and Super Chat let viewers highlight their messages in the comments during a live stream.
  • Super Thanks allows them to leave tips on videos of yours they love.
  • Channel memberships, finally, allow them to access perks like extra stickers, exclusive content, and 1:1 live chats.
How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (7)

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (8)

How Much Does YouTube Pay You for 1 Million Views?

Once youā€™ve joined the Partner Program, there are two metrics to help you figure out how much money youā€™ll earn through advertisem*nts via AdSense.

One is YouTubeCPM, the otherCPC.

CPM stands forCostPerMille (ā€œmilleā€ is just Latin for one thousand). It tells you how much money advertisers pay for 1,000impressions. Usually, advertisers who place theirads at thebeginning of a videowill pay rates in CPM. A higher CPM, means a higher income per 1 million views.

After YouTubeā€™s share is deducted from CPM, youā€™re left withRPMā€“ thatā€™sRevenuePerMille. Thatā€™s not the whole story, though. Thatā€™s because the RPM youā€™ll see in your video analytics also includes earnings fromother monetization featuresthat benefit creators more directly, such as Super Thanks.

CPC stands forCostPerClick. This metric tells you how much advertises pay for each click on one of their ads. Advertisers typically pay via this model for theads around the video, but not actually in it.

When projecting your YouTube revenue, itā€™s best to focus on CPM / RPM as a metric, as it is more predictable than CPC.

TypicalCPC rateson the platform are around $0.50. On average,CPM ratesrange between $2 and $15, though for some videos they can be as low as $0.50 or as high as $43.

Based on CPM, the range for how much YouTube pays you for 1 million views stretches from $500 to $43,000, with an average of $7,600.

Thatā€™s a huge difference! So what are the factors that can help younarrow it down? Hereā€™s the scoop.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (9)

What Factors Influence How Much YouTube Pays You for 1 Million Views?

In general, there arefour main factorsthat determine how much YouTube pays you for 1 million views: your niche, your audience, your geographic location, and the length of your videos.

šŸŽÆ Your Niche

To begin with, your average ad income will depend partly onwhat your niche is.

For example, ad rates for channels that cover financial topics and entrepreneurship are higher than for channels that focus on fashion or cooking.

According to a review of over 50+ ā€œWhat YouTube Paid Meā€ articles by Joseph Hogue ā€“ whose channelLetā€™s Talk Moneyweā€™ll take a closer look at below ā€“ ad rates for gaming channels can be as low as $2 CPM, while vlog and entrepreneurship channels hover around $5.

The reasons for this are fairly straightforward.Finance-related nicheshave much higher revenue potential for advertisers. And that makes them happy to pay more in YouTubeā€™s auction-based ad allotment system. (Interested in what the most profitable niches are? Check out our in-depth article here!)

šŸ“Š Your Audience Demographics

Another factor that determines how much money youā€™ll make from 1,000,000 views are thedemographicsof your audience.

Ultimately, your ad revenue is determined bywhat ads play on your videos. That, in turn, depends on viewersā€™ location, watch history, gender, Google search history, age range, and mobile ad usage.

Consequently, an audience withmore disposable incomewhose spending habits and generalinterests in high-potential nichesare evident from their search and watch history will earn you more per million views.

šŸ“ Location

A third factor to consider when calculating your income is geography. You need to factor in your owngeographic location, thelanguageof your videos, and your target audienceā€™s geographic location.

Generally, YouTube creators will find the highest CPM rates in Western European countries, where people have high purchase power. According to anunofficial survey, Norway and Germany offer the highest CPM potential, with rates of $43 and $39 respectively.

YouTubers in these places can produce content in local languages targeted at local audiences in high-income countries.

In contrast, a YouTuber in Cambodia producing content in Khmer, the local language, will see average CPM rates of $0.52.

German YouTubers enjoy some of the highest CPM values. As Bitcoin is in the financial niche, this YouTuber can expect a substantial CPM.

ā³ Video Length

Finally, another factor that influences how much 1 million views will earn you is thelengthof your video, since it influences how many ads you can place and where.

If your video isat least 5 minutes long, YouTube lets you insertback-to-backads in the middleof your video. These mid-roll ads boost your overall earnings, especially if you insert them at strategic points in your content.

Youā€™ll find examples of this in the Case Study videos below.

Other types of ads you can place in your content include:

  • skippable ads (5 seconds)
  • bumper ads (up to 6 seconds at the start of your video)
  • non-skippable ads (15-20 seconds)
  • overlay ads (= a text banner)

Which ad formats appear on your video is up to you ā€“ you can control it via AdSense. However, your video length is the basic determining factor of what type of ads make sense. After all, if itā€™s a short clip of 2.5 minutes, a 20-second non-skippable ad at the start will turn off potential viewers.

Calculator: How much does YouTube pay per view?

Got a headache yet? Not surprising. All these different factors are tricky to add up. But weā€™ve got your back!

Based on public CPM data for different niches and locations, weā€™ve created a calculator tool. Use it to estimate how much YouTube will pay you for different numbers of views.

Here we go!

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (10)

YouTube Revenue Calculator

Hereā€™s how much šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’° youā€™ll earn:

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (11)

The Case Studies

Letā€™s get more concrete. Here arefive channel case studiesthat can help you get a better idea of how much YouTube pays for 1 million views in 2024. Time to dive in!

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (12)

Dog World - 15 Poodle Mix Breeds That Will Melt Your Heart

Awww! And: This video earned nearly $10,000 per million viewers.

Weā€™ll start off with Mick Staudingerā€™s channelDog World. His video ā€œ15 Poodle Mix Breeds That Will Melt Your Heartā€ earned over 1.8 million views since it was originally published in July 2020.

Two years after, the revenue on this video tallied in at $16,504.33. Thatā€™s $9,708 per 1,000,000 views.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (13)

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (14)

Letā€™s Talk Money - The 10 Best Side Hustle Ideas and 7 Monthly Dividend Stocks That Will Pay Your Rent

Financial topics tend to be more lucrative. This one earned nearly $18,000 per million views.

Next up, we have Joseph Hogueā€™sfinance-orientedchannelLetā€™s Talk Money. Since its launch in 2017, it has generated over 31.7 million views all in all. The channelā€™s overall ad revenue was $480,763 as of the time of this writing. At about $15 per thousand views, itā€™s at the higher end of the average CPM range.

Two of Josephā€™s videos are particularly successful ā€“ ā€œThe 10 Best Side Hustle Ideasā€ and ā€œ7 Monthly Dividend Stocks That Will Pay Your Rentā€.

The former, first published in September 2018 earned $23,173 on 1.3 million views. Thatā€™s$17,825 per million views. The latter, which premiered in April 2021, made Joseph $29,511 after 1.3 million views. That converts to$24,592 per million views.

Why did this one earn $24,600 per million views? Itā€™s because audiences with enough disposable income to buy stocks attract higher-paying advertisers.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (15)

Clubhouse Convos - Dolly Parton 9 to 5 (Live 2019 Performance from 50 year anniversary)

Next up, thereā€™s Brian Pennyā€™s channelClubhouse Convos, which specializes inbehind-the-scenes videos and on-set interviewsof Hollywood movies. The most popular video on this channel is a Dolly Parton performance of9 to 5from her 50th anniversary show at the Grand Ol Opry, which first went online in November 2019 and had 1.3 million views at the time Brian sent us his figures.

Videos that rely on other creatorsā€™ ā€“ or businessesā€™ ā€“ content will naturally earn less for the uploader, as theyā€™ll be sharing any revenue. Over 1.3 million views, it netted Brian Penny less than $1,000 in total.

Clubhouse Convosā€™ case is an interesting one, as the channel has toshare its revenuewith the artist, the Opry, and NBC Universal/Comcast according to the automated Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) system.

Consequently, Brianā€™s own return on this video is at the lower end of the spectrum, at $961.83, or$739 per million views.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (16) - Learn ABCs With the Alphabet Song

Our next example comes from thekidsā€™ niche. Katie Osburn, Social Media Manager, was happy to tell us a little bit about the YouTubechannel The channel complements the app, whichhelps kids learn to readusing a phonics program.

Educational content for kids is hugely popular on YouTube, but there are stricter rules on advertisem*nts.

Reading.comā€™s videoLearn ABCs with the Alphabet Songhas earned over 5.1 M views in the year after it was launched.CPM for child-oriented content is typically low, at about $0.50.

The reason for this is that many advertisers donā€™t have products that theycanpromote on kid content. Thatā€™s partly because YouTubeapplies a stricter standardā€“ itā€™s legally required to. Nevertheless, channels that produce learning content for children are among the most successful on YouTube.

And, as Ryan Kaji has shown, kid channels can certainly be among the most profitable.

In the case ofLearn ABCs With the Alphabet Song, the video has earned just over $1,640 over the past twelve months, which means thatevery 1 million views earned the channelabout $300.

Katie shared the view from YouTube Studio with us:

Kal Kal Kids - Ek Mota Hathi Jhoom Ke Chal | Nursery Poem in Hindi

Finally, we have another case study from the kidsā€™ educational niche ā€“ and a great illustration of how earnings can vary significantly by geographical region.

Kal Kal Kidsis a Hindi-language channel run by Sachin Yadav. It offers educational content for children, such as bedtime stories, nursery rhymes, and songs to learn colors, animal sounds and letters.

Its videoEk Mota Hathi Jhoom Ke Chal, a nursery poem, reached1.4M views in the twelve months after it was posted. Here it is!

Even though the content type and format is similar, though, Kal Kal Kids has a much lower CPM, due to the geographical location of its target audience. Over one year, the video earned 5,517 Indian Rupees (ā‚¹), or approximately $70. That breaks down to $50 per 1 M views.

The Bottom Line

Overall, predicting how much YouTubepays you for 1,000,000 viewsis tricky. Thereā€™s some major variation depending on your geographiclocation, audiencedemographics, videolength, and overallniche.

On average, though, you can expect to earn around $7,600 for a million views onoriginal content, though the number can be significantly larger in high-income countries and niches such as finance and entrepreneurship.

At the end of the day, these insights can give aspiring YouTubers valuable information ā€“ abouthow to choose their nicheand how tostructure their contentfor maximum revenue potential.

Wondering about how YouTubers get paid based on their subscriber count? Check out this post on how much one YouTuber earned with 100 k.

Explosive Results šŸ¤Æ One thing successful YouTubers have in common? They have a professional editor at their back to boost their content quality and quantity! Learn more

The YouTubers

Lastly, many thanks to the five YouTubers who shared their experience with us!

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (21)

Mick Staudinger is an online entrepreneur and luxury enthusiast who is passionate about building online businesses and buying luxury watches. On his blog, he gives interesting insights in his entrepreneurial journey and information about the best and affordable luxury watches on the market.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (22)

Joseph Hogue graduated from Iowa State University after serving in the Marine Corps. He holds a masterā€™s degree in business and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. He worked in corporate finance and real estate before starting a career in investment analysis at a venture capital research firm. Since leaving the corporate world, heā€™s grown his community on YouTube (Letā€™s Talk Money) and the blog My Stock Market Basics.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (23)

Brian Penny is a former operations manager and business analyst at Bank of America turned whistleblower and freelance journalist. His work is featured in Forbes, Cracked, HuffPost, High Times, and more.

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (24)

The YouTube channel features a sneak peek of content that is featured in the full app, the ground-breaking phonics program specifically designed for a parent and child to use together. Check it out at @_readingcomand on the website!

How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (25)

Sachin Yadav is a qualified SEO professional with over 10 years of experience in developing SEO analytics, keyword research, site auditing methods, and SEO. On his blog,, he shares interesting tech news, Cool Tips and top 10 software. You can follow him on LinkedIn and Facebook!

On average, you can earn $2,000 to $15,000 per million views on YouTube. The exact number depends on factors like your content niche, video length, and geographic location.

You can expect to earn $2 to $15 per 1,000 views on YouTube, depending on your channelā€™s niche, geographic location, and video length. The average CPM (cost per mille) is $7.60.

To start earning ad income from YouTube, you need to sign up for the platformā€™s Partner Program. To qualify, you need to adhere to YouTubeā€™s community and monetization guidelines, have an AdSense account, and have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours in the last 12 months. Youā€™ll also need to be in a location where the Program is available.

At $2,000ā€“15,000 per million views, you will earn around $40,000 to $300,000 for a 20 million views. The exact amount depends on your niche, how long the video is, where you are, and other factors.

A single view is worth around 1ā€“2 cents on average, so for every $1 you make on YouTube, you need about 50ā€“100 views. First, however, you need to join the Partner Program.

A billion views translates to about $2 million to $15 million in YouTube ad revenue.

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  • How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (26)

    Alex Lefkowitz

    Alex Lefkowitz is the founder and CEO of Tasty Edits. He holds a BA in Entrepreneurship and is an experienced video editor, having edited hundreds of videos for dozens of creators before starting his own video editing company. Since launching Tasty Edits, he has directly managed thousands of video and thumbnail orders. Now, he draws on his experience working with professional creators to write about video editing, the creator economy, and video marketing. You can also read his work on Hackernoon and Medium. Plus, he's contributed several expert opinions in interviews and articles as a guest on platforms like Jotform.

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How Much Does YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views? [Calculator + Case Studies] (2024)
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