Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (2024)

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America’s 18,000-odd car dealerships face many threats. They are unpopular. Younger generations are driving less. Electric cars require less maintenance. Also, every so often chunks of ice fall from the sky and smash all the cars.

For car dealerships—and for the web of automakers, banks, and insurance houses that they sustain—hail is a menace. Because intense hailstorms form suddenly, as tight, dense wallops within larger thunderstorms, dangerous hail is challenging to predict. A squall can blow up with little warning, dump a few minutes of walnut-size hail, and damage hundreds of new cars as they sit on a lot. And a storm that’s hard to detect in advance is harder still to authenticate afterward. So when a car dealership files a hail claim, the insurance company usually doesn’t have much choice but to take its word, check a few photos, and cut a check.

Hail is, you might say, a hard problem. It is also becoming a bigger problem, a new study argues. The study, released today in draft form to The Weekly Planet, says that hail is expanding its footprint across the country at the same time that it is becoming more frequent in the central United States’ so-called Hail Alley. “Hail isn’t moving from Denver to Ohio—it’s falling in Denver and Ohio,” says Alex Kubicek, an author of the study.

I spoke with Kubicek and the study’s other authors last month. Their work is worth your attention for two reasons. First, they argue persuasively—though not conclusively—that hail should be taken seriously as a major climate impact, as much a breaching edge of global warming as wildfires. When scientists list climate change’s biggest threats, they’re more likely to rattle off floods, droughts, and heat waves than severe hail. Yet if hail is increasing in spread and severity, it should make that list: Its ability to cause rapid, sudden, and unpredictable physical damage is outmatched only by tornadoes and wildfires. When baseball-size hail smacked the Denver area in 2017, it caused the state’s costliest natural disaster ever. Hail in Alberta, Canada, has caused similar damage.

Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (1)

This runaway hail risk is discombobulating the insurance market: In 2018, the insurance giant Zurich North America announced that it would no longer insure hundreds of midwestern car dealerships because of “catastrophic” hail damage.

Second, I’m intrigued by who the study’s authors are. Kubicek and his colleagues have scientific credentials, but they’re not academics. They work at an insurance start-up called Understory, which protects car dealerships against hailstorms. Kubicek is, in fact, Understory’s chief executive.

Insurance! Let’s talk briefly about why it is interesting. Insurance is where the economy of spreadsheets and Zoom invites meets the economy of flesh and steel and falling chunks of ice. To build a financial economy, you need to make its constituent parts act in a mathematically dependable and predictable way. But human bodies and weather systems over central North America (to give two examples) are messy and prone to surprises. Yet if you bundle enough of them together over time, you smooth out their unruliness and produce something that, on the whole, has a predictable level of messiness.

In a typical insurance policy, an insurance provider “indemnifies” against risk, which means that it pays out for the full cost of an event once that event has been shown to have happened. Understory sells a different kind of insurance, called “parametric insurance.” Here, an insurance company pays out a fixed fee automatically whenever a trigger event occurs.

Parametric insurance was invented in the developing world, but lately it’s being used more in the United States. It can be used for any climate-related insurance, says Upmanu Lall, an engineering professor at Columbia University—food, agriculture, drought, hail, tornadoes, wind, or wildfire. Parametric insurance is both more concrete than indemnity insurance and also a little more precarious, a fitting instrument for a lower-trust country. (It’s precarious because parametric insurance won’t ever affirmatively cover the full cost of disaster in the same way that an indemnity policy would.)

Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (2)

In Understory’s case, the trigger event is hail. Every dealership with an Understory-associated insurance policy puts a joystick-like sensor on its roof. It can detect the size and speed of falling hail, and when it senses a hailstorm, it triggers an automatic payout.

And that ends the section of the newsletter where I talk about insurance. By positioning itself in this way, Understory happens to have collected a new kind of hail data. It has a ground-truth record of where hail has landed, a surprisingly hard type of data to come across in the U.S.

“The observational data for hail is … dangerous. It’s less quality-controlled,” John T. Allen, a meteorology professor at Central Michigan University who wasn’t involved in this study, told me. “If you hit a city, you get lots of reports, but if you don’t hit a city, you don’t get many reports at all.”

Understory’s data are the key to the new study. Kubicek and his co-authors used machine learning to associate the spots where they know hail has actually fallen with the radar data observed at the time. Then they found similar radar data going back to 1979, extrapolating from their ground-truth data to create a historical record of hail fall.

Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (3)

More frequent hail is a nuisance by itself, but the damage depends on where it falls. In Hail Alley, roofers and car garages are used to dealing with hail. “If you have a hailstorm hit Dallas, there’s a whole market around that,” Kubicek said. “If you have a hailstorm hit Columbus, Ohio, or Nashville, Tennessee, then it will be costly in ways it wouldn’t be elsewhere.”

“The most shocking thing for us is that [hail’s] moving to new territory at essentially a rate of growth of 1.1 percent year over year,” he said. “It works out to a new Delaware getting hail every year.”

First Occurrence of Hail, 1979 to 2018

Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (4)

Now for the caveat: The paper hasn’t been peer-reviewed. I was able to circulate it to a few hail scientists, and would describe them as impressed with Understory’s data but skeptical of its methodology. “I think they’re on the right track when it comes to ground-truthing, but there’s a lot more that could be done,” Allen said. Often, the paper skips over statistical work or data cleaning that a more polished academic study might require, he added.

Yet these scientists did not dispute its broadest findings: Climate change seems to be making hail worse.

“A consensus does seem to be emerging” that hailstorms will become more severe “as the planet warms,” Julian Brimelow, a hail researcher in the Canadian government, wrote in an email. “We are on a path for some devastating and incredibly expensive hail damage years in the future. This is why insurance and re-insurance companies are so concerned.”

And that’s what I find truly noteworthy about the Understory study. It shows that some climate science is now happening entirely in the private sector: Climate-change data are detected, standardized, and converted into insurance payouts before they ever reach the hands of an academic.

In this newsletter, we talk a lot about how climate change is a function of the economy, how it emerges from the physical infrastructure of the fossil-fuel-based energy system. What Understory shows is that this is now true in a much more mundane way too. Climate science is now part of the ordinary course of business for insurance companies.

Someone Else’s Weather

Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (5)

The Weekly Planet reader Madison Freeman shared this photo of a snowy afternoon in New York. “As a Texan who never owned a coat until I went to college, I hate the cold and dark of Northeast winter but I absolutely lose my mind with joy every time it snows,” she writes.

Every week, I feature a weather photo from a reader or professional in this part of the newsletter because the climate is someone else’s weather. If you would like to submit one, please email weeklyplanet@theatlantic.com.

Or you can tweet it at me, as Madison did. I did not even realize this was an option until she did it yesterday. I’m impressed.

5 Planetary, Pecuniary Things

Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (6)

1. You may have seen: General Motors ran a Super Bowl ad arguing that America needs to adopt electric vehicles faster … to get back at Norway. It was a good ad, maybe the best I’ve seen for an electric vehicle. But as readers of this newsletter might know, GM’s sudden love for all things electric is surprising, given that the automaker was vociferously fighting California’s state climate rules until oh, you know, about two weeks after Joe Biden was elected president. Over the weekend, I wrote about seven ways of looking at GM’s Super Bowl ad—and why the Biden presidency may have made it possible.

2. The Atlantic’s Planet section has been kind of bumping lately, if you haven’t checked in. Rachel Monroe has a fun piece on the climate costs of ultra-fast fashion. The great Peter Brannen has a magisterial new feature on the warning buried in Earth’s climate history—I’m sure I’ll have more to say about it soon. And my friend E. A. Crunden recently answered a simple question: How useful is recycling to climate change, really?

3. I think most Americans know, intuitively and correctly, that toxic air pollution is bad. But they may not have kept up with the fact that, in the past few years, a new body of research has shown that air pollution is way worse than we thought, and that it’s implicated in more deaths and more diseases, such as irreversible sight loss and diseases of memory.

Today, a new study argues that nearly one in five deaths worldwide in 2018 was caused by air pollution from fossil-fuel combustion. That’s roughly double the previous estimate, and it places fossil-fuel-induced air pollution in a special category of killers, exceeding the combined death toll of tobacco and malaria.

4. Tesla, the lately profitable car company owned by the world’s wealthiest man, announced yesterday that it had purchased $1.5 billion in Bitcoin and that it would soon accept Bitcoin as payment for its products. Bitcoin’s price leaped more than 10 percent on the news, netting it perhaps $560 million. Tesla’s market capitalization has also increased by $10 billion since Friday, according to the financial-research service Sentieo.

I’m … uh … not going to comment on this one, actually. We’ll talk about Bitcoin another time.

5. Some reasonably good news: I recommend this post by Joe Weisenthal, a Bloomberg editor, about why “this is the most interesting moment for the economy I’ve seen in my career.” (You can read it on Twitter too.)

He captures just how much the conventional wisdom about how to run the U.S. economy has changed: Officials and lawmakers are more interested in running it “hotter,” employing more people at the risk of more inflation, than they were after the Great Recession. They’re also more interested in deficit-powered investment.

Why does that matter for climate change? Because American climate policy, over the next few years, depends on sustained federal investment in climate technology and zero-carbon infrastructure. And because a concern for climate change—and a belief that flourishing in the future requires sustained investment now—is part of the worldview that has caused policy makers to be more keen on running the economy hotter now.

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Hail! It’s America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk (2024)


Is hail getting worse? ›

Hailstorms are by far the most costly hazard associated with severe thunderstorms. Hail will become less common but larger and more damaging because of human-caused climate change — according to a new study published in the Nature journal Climate and Atmospheric Science.

Is hail related to global change? ›

Research suggests that climate change will cause large hailstones to become more common. Next year, scientists plan the first U.S. field study of hail since the 1970s, in which they will chase hailstorms the way some do tornadoes.

Why are we getting so much hail this year? ›

As snowpack disappears earlier in the year, these unstable air masses are more apt to form as the Sun heats up the land faster, similar to turning up a kitchen stove, which then heats up the atmosphere above. Climate change may also lead to less small hail and more large hail.

Where is hail most likely to occur in the US? ›

Although Florida has the most thunderstorms, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming usually have the most hailstorms. The area where these three states meet – “hail alley” – averages seven to nine hail days per year. Other parts of the world that have damaging hailstorms include China, Russia, India and northern Italy.

What state has the most hail damage? ›

What state gets the most hail damage? Texas saw the highest number of hailstorms in 2023 (198) and in 2024 so far. NOAA data indicates property damage in Texas averaged around $7.9 million last year.

Where is hail the worst in the US? ›

The costliest hailstorm in US history struck the I-70 corridor of eastern Kansas, across Missouri, into southwestern Illinois producing many baseball-sized hail reports.

Why would it hail instead of snow? ›

Hail forms completely differently. While snow and graupel require cold temperatures near the ground, hail doesn't. Instead, hail develops when updrafts send ice pellets up into cold air aloft. “Initially there's a small ice pellet,” said Jeff Lorber, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's Bay Area office.

What was the biggest hail ever recorded? ›

World: Heaviest Hailstone
Record Value1.02kg (2.25lb)
Date of Record14 / 4 [April] / 1986
Formal WMO ReviewNo
Length of Record
1 more row

World: Heaviest Hailstone

World Meteorological Organization's World Weather and Climate ... - Arizona State University
World Meteorological Organization's World Weather and Climate ... - Arizona State University

Why doesn't hail melt? ›

The answer is the speed at which it falls. Small hailstones typically fall to the ground at a speed of 15-40km/h. This speedy descent means that the ice doesn't have enough time to melt before reaching the surface.

Which month has the most hail? ›

You will often notice that hailstorms are more frequent during the late spring and early summer months, mainly between May and June. Supercell thunderstorms are a common cause of severe hail, producing large hailstones due to powerful updrafts that lift water up into freezing atmospheric layers.

What was the biggest hailstorm in 2024? ›

The giant hail reported on July 31, 2024 in Stevens County was the largest reported in at least 38 years (since the 1986 storm) and the largest for which we have verifiable documentary evidence. Whether it was actually larger than any of the other giant hailstones on record in Minnesota is a matter of speculation.

Do tornadoes bring hail? ›

Hail is very commonly found very close to the tornadoes, as the strongest thunderstorms that spawn tornadoes are formed under the atmospheric conditions that are also highly likely to make hail.

What is the hail capital of the United States? ›

There is no other place in North America with more numerous or more severe hailstorms, and Colorado is right in the middle of it. There are areas in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska and New Mexico that may challenge Colorado as the hail capital of the U.S., but more often than not, Colorado takes that honor.

Which states don't get hail? ›

(2) Alaska and Hawaii tie for the lowest rank, with no hailstorms in 2011. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Storm Prediction Center, National Weather Service.

Does Japan get hail? ›

Three severe hail events in the past 3 years have shined a spotlight on this risk in Japan. Historically overshadowed by typhoons and earthquakes, hailstorms can generate insured losses of billions of dollars.

Hailstorms and climate change: What to expect ...Yale Climate Connectionshttps://yaleclimateconnections.org ›

Trends in hail-producing storms themselves are also part of the picture. Hail-producing thunderstorms are localized by nature, and databases of hail reports are...
Enormous hailstones raise the question of whether global warming will intensify hailstorms.
DENVER (CBS4) - Hail is a big part of the severe weather season in Colorado and it is responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in damage each year to crops,...

What month has the most hail in Colorado? ›

The Colorado hail season is April 15 to September 15. Colorado hail storms occur most frequently in June and are most likely to be destructive in mid June.

What months does it hail the most? ›

According to KECO Tabs, hail is most common during the spring season in the United States, specifically between April and September.

How big was the hail in Texas in 2024? ›

Storm chasers found an incredibly large hailstone the size and shape of a pineapple during a storm near Vigo Park, Texas, about 50 miles southeast of Amarillo, on June 2, 2024. Photos showed it was also slightly larger than a can of Monster energy drink and a work glove.

In what season is hail most common? ›

Not surprisingly, 73% (616 out of 840) significant hail reports occurred in the spring and early summer months (March through June). However, these events have occurred in each month of the year. >

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.