Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (2024)

Quick Links

  • Overthrow Activity Overview

  • Potential Level One Overthrow Encounters At The Landing

  • Potential Overthrow Level 2 Encounters At The Landing

  • Potential Overthrow Level Three Encounters At The Landing

  • How To Defeat The Landing's Overthrow Boss

  • Potential Overthrow Level One Encounters In The Blooming

  • Potential Overthrow Level Two Encounters In The Blooming

  • Potential Overthrow Level Three Encounters In The Blooming

  • How To Defeat The Blooming's Boss

  • Potential Overthrow Level One Encounters In The Impasse

  • Potential Overthrow Level Two Encounters In The Impasse

  • Potential Overthrow Level Three Encounters In The Impasse

  • How To Defeat The Impasse's Overthrow Boss

With the Witness destroyed for good in Destiny 2: The Final Shape, everyone can finally sleep a little easier, but unfortunately their work isn't done yet. The Witness' corruption is still rampant in the Traveler, and the Lucent Hive's presence isn't helping. It's up to you and your fellow Guardians to help cleanse the Pale Heart, and it's done via Overthrow.


Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Still Hunt Exotic Quest Guide

Still Hunt lets any class wield the power of the Hunter's Golden Gun. Here's how to get it.

Each of the major zones in the Pale Heart is a battlefield, and if the Traveler's going to heal, you'll need to do a variety of tasks to help it gain progress, such as defeating powerful enemies and even just getting gifts from the Traveler. The fight isn't over just yet, Guardian – Overthrow these zones.

Overthrow Activity Overview

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (2)

Overthrow becomes available to you once you've completed the Final Shape campaign by way of finishing the mission Excision, and is a multi-stage activity that can be completed solo or with a team of up to three players.

Each major zone has its own Overthrow activities and level counter, and progress independent of each other.

Each of the three major zones in the Pale Heart - The Landing, The Blooming, and the Impasse - can be Overthrown by completing four levels.

The first three levels of them are made up of special Public Events and activities called encounters and each zone has a small range of them specific to each level, while the final level is always a boss that needs to be killed.

Some activities such as The Stitching can appear on multiple Overthrow levels, but the majority do not.

Completing these Public Events and activities gains you Overthrow progress depending on which one you do, with each activity giving you 250 Overthrow progress and the Public Events give you 450 progress. You can also get Overthrow progress doing things such as killing enemies and looting random chests.


Overthrow Progress Granted

Killing Minor Enemies

1 Progress

Killing Major Enemies

5 Progress

Killing Event Bosses

10 Progess

Collecting Stigma Of The Witness

15 Progress

Looting Hive Stockpile Chests

25 Progress

Killing High-Value Targets

100 Progress

Pathfinder Targets

250 Progress

Overthrow progress for an arearesets upon leaving the Pale Heart, so make sure you've gone to the Tower or other locations for bounties and such before you get started.

When you complete an Overthrow activity or Public Event, you'll receive an Overthrow chest as a reward, which can contain a variety of loot such as Pale Heart weaponry and armor, Ergo Sum exotic Sword, and Exotic Class Items if they've been unlocked.

What Happens After An Area Is Overthrown?

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (3)

Once a zone has been Overthrown, you'll receive a major chest that has a chance to drop Ergo Sum and Exotic Class Items, and all the zone's enemies will cease to spawn for five minutes. It'll also be a perfect time to roam the area for extra chests or to plant any Luminescent Seeds you've obtained in the various hands in each area.

The only enemies that will spawn once an area is Overthrown are the Secret Keepers, which are needed to unlock the Dual Destinies quest and give you access to the Exotic Class Item.

Luminescent Seeds can be found by completing Overthrow activities completely, and once planted in a hand, you'll be rewarded with a Traveler's Blessing, special but temporary buffs you can have in the Pale Heart, and oftentimes a Memory Vistige: Darkness, an important consumable item.

Potential Level One Overthrow Encounters At The Landing

The Offering

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (4)

The Offering is one of the chest-based activities, and it's pretty simple to complete. Once you've located the chest and started the activity, a small ball of light with a trail will appear above the chest and point towards a particular direction.

This event can also occur at Level Two, but it's more common to find it during Level One.

Follow the light trail in that direction, and after several steps, another ball of light will appear in the air and point in another direction. Keep following the balls of light, and they'll lead you to a pustule surrounded by dark brambles.

Shoot the pustule until it explodes, then head back to the chest where you started and dispel the corruption on it to complete the event.

Crystal Shielded Knights

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (5)

This Public Event shows up south of where you start at The Landing on the map, and it'll start off with a single Revenant Knight kneelingin a bubble with a crystal above it in the air. Shoot the crystal and then kill the Knight once the bubble disappears, and a second bubbled Knight will appear nearby.

This second Knight will have two crystals you'll need to shoot down. Clear any adds away, then shoot the crystal, kill the Knight, and a third one will spawn near the second you just killed.

Take out the newly spawned adds and shoot out the three crystals above the third bubbled Knight, then kill it. After that, you'll have one last Knight to kill after taking out the four crystals above it. This one's a major enemycalled the High Supplicant and after it's dead, you'll complete this Public Event.

Crystalbound Thrall

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (6)

This Public Event starts in a tunnel that runs through the very center of The Landing, and it starts with a single, major enemy named the Crystalbound Thrall with a complete shield on it and three crystals in the surrounding walls.

Destroy all three crystals and follow the Crystalbound Thrall once it starts running away, clearing out any of the other thralls that show up to halt your progress. Once the boss reaches its second location in a nearby cave, it will stop, and you'll need to destroy four crystals.

The Crystalbound Thrall will stay still for a few moments, then the shield will break, and you'll be able to kill it. Once the major enemy's dead, you'll complete this encounter and earn some more Overthrow progress.

Runeshielded Knight

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (7)

This event spawns on the edge of the island leading to The Refraction, and it starts off with a major-enemy Knight with a shield standing underneath a large Hive rune.

For this, you'll need to take note of the rune above the Knight, and then search out the matching rune plate, which can be found on the tree roots and architecture in the immediate area.

Shoot the corresponding plate, the shield will disappear, and the Knight can be killed normally. Once that's done, you'll have another complete event.

Wrathbringer Knight

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (8)

This event spawns in the water pool just below where you spawn in The Landing, and it involves another major-enemy, the Wrathbringer Knight. Clear out all the adds near it until the Wrathbringer Knight spawns, then go over and stand in the green energy field highlighted nearby.

Stand in the energy field until the Knight's shield disappears, then blast them with your best damage-dealing weaponry until it's defeated, and you'll earn more progress for the Overthrow.

The Stitching

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The Stitching is another chest-based activity, and you'll normally find it on one of the hills in the southwestern section of The Landing if you're looking at your map. Approach the chest and activate the event, and several orange pillars of energy will appear nearby.

Make sure to kill any stronger adds, such as the dual high-value Ogres near spawn, as they can run your Stitching run and make you have to restart.

You'll have a minute and thirty seconds to step into every pillar and fill the Columns Collected bar, and you'll need to collect ten of these pillars which will spawn in different locations around The Landing. Once you've done that, return to the chest and dispel the corruption on it for a reward and Overthrow progress.

Crystalbound Wizard

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This event spawns at the mouth of a multi-chambered cave in the lower middle section of The Landing if you're looking at the map. Similar to the Crystalbound Thrall, you'll need to damage crystals to remove the Wizard's shield, but with a twist.

Destroy the first crystal nearby to take off the Wizard's shield then shoot away its first section of health, and then it will gain a shield and move further into the cave.

Follow it and destroy the second crystal along with the Thralls, then take off the next portion of the Wizard's health until it moves again.

In the final cave chamber, you'll have one last crystal to destroy, but this time Cursed Thralls will start spawning as well. Repeat the same crystal-breaking process, then kill the Wizard to complete the event.

Potential Overthrow Level 2 Encounters At The Landing

Rune Decryption

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (11)

Rune Descryption starts in a small area with an open roof directly down from where you spawn at The Landing. There will be three large Hive Runes floating in the air nearby, and three Void Charge holders on the ground nearby, each with a matching rune plate on it.

Get rid of the nearby Acolytes until a Revenant Knight spawns, then kill it and take the Void Charge that it drops. Bring that charge to the middle rune's holder and dunk the charge in it to get rid of the rune.

The middle rune needs to be decrypted first, but the left and right runes can be done in either order as long as you get the rune correct.

Repeat this process until you've killed two more Knights and dunked two more Void Charges in their respective holders. When all three runes are gone, you'll complete the encounter and recieve a reward chest.

Ghost Escort (Variation One)

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This event starts with a lone Ghost floating underneath the bridge near the central water pool, and interacting with it starts an escort mission. Once the Ghosts starts moving, follow it until it stops, and then enemies will start spawning nearby and aim for the ghost.

The Ghost doesn't have a health bar and is immune to enemy damage, so you don't need to worry about it dying.

You'll have a major Blistered Knight to fight alongside some other Lucent Hive, then the Ghost will start moving to a second location once everything's dead. Repeat the process again, and then the Ghost will move to a third and final location.

At the third spot, you'll have more Lucent Hive to fight and a Blistered Wizard instead of a Knight this time. Clear out the targets while the Ghost stays still at the bramble, and then you'll complete the event and get a chest.

Sometimes a Lightbearer Acolyte will spawn nearby as a high-value target, so be careful of running into it during the actual event.

Shrieker Elimination

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (13)

You'll find this public event at the very back of The Landing, on the small island that connects the larger ones together. When you arrive, kill the few Lucent Hives there, then glimmering Knights will start spawning nearby.

Destroy them, and they'll drop a sword relic you can pick up, but when you do, a special Shrieker will spawn in the sky nearby, along with several Hive Portals. Use the sword's Heavy Attack to launch projectiles at them, and kill the eyes to kill the Shrieker.

You'll need to repeat this process again, but this time, both the Portals and the Shrieker will spawn on the opposite side of the bridge and island.

More Knights and Thralls will spawn, and when you get another sword, the last wave of Shriekers and Eyes will spawn.

For this final wave, you'll have Six Portals to destroy, three on each side, and both Shriekers will return and be on each side of the bridge. Use the pillar in the middle for cover and grenades for the adds while you take out the Portals, and once they're all gone, you'll complete the event.

Potential Overthrow Level Three Encounters At The Landing

Barrier Hive Trio

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (14)

This Public Event spawns on the island across from the exit to The Refraction, and you'll come across three boss Hivetwo Abjurant Knight and a Lucent Hive Guardian - kneeling down inside green energy bariers.

Clear the first few waves of adds that spawn and run towards you, and once you've killed enough, you'll get a message saying a barrier has been dispelled.

Kill the first Abjurant Knight, then wait for more wavesof enemies to spawn nearby. Do the same thing you did before and get rid of all the minor enemies until you get a message, then take down the second Abjurant Knight once the barrier's gone.

The Lucent Hive Guardian classes at the end are chosen at random, and can be any of the three classes, but they'll all have the same HP and function similarly.

You'll have one last group of enemy waves to deal with, then the third and final barrier will disappear and release the Lucent Hive Guardian boss. Clear out all the adds and kill the Lucent Hive Guardian, and you'll complete this Overthrow event.

How To Defeat The Landing's Overthrow Boss

The boss of The Landing is going to spawn in the large water pool in the center of the zone in between the pillars, and it's going to be one of the three Lucent Hive Guardian classes, with three sections to its health bar.

Similar to other events and activities in Overthrow, the boss itself can vary between three different ones, but they all function the same and need to be defeated in the same way.

For the first section of its health, just do damage to it normally while making sure to clear out as many adds as you can so that their numbers stay low, and they cause you fewer issues.

Once it loses that health, the boss will gain a shield, a large Shrieker will spawn in the center of the area, Revenant Knights will begin appearing, and six glowing eyes will appear around the area next to or above the round pillars:

  • Kill the Revenant Knights so that they drop a Sword relic.
  • Grab the Sword and then use its Heavy Attack to hit the eyes with projectile waves.
  • Destroy all six eyes while avoiding the Shrieker's attacks.

The Shrieker can be destroyed with regular damage, but its high damage makes it easier to kill by destroying the eyes.

Once the eyes are gone, the Hive boss' shield will disappear, and you'll be able to do damage to it again until it loses another section of health. When the boss is down to one third of its health, the shield will come back, and you'll need to repeat the process with the Shrieker and the eyes.

Do the same as before and destroy the six eyes with the sword, and then you'll remove the boss' final shield. Pelt it with all the heavy ammo and weaponry you've got, and you'll complete The Landing's Overthrow and get your reward.

Potential Overthrow Level One Encounters In The Blooming

Blight Removal

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (15)

This Public Event spawns directly south of the cliff where you spawn in The Blooming, and it starts with a massive blight in the immediate area with a pretty big health pool. Clear out the Taken Phalanxes and Captains especially, then start doing damage to the blight's core.

You can stand on top of a blight's core in the upward spiral and avoid taking the damage over time caused by standing inside it.

With its health pool, it's going to take around 30 seconds to destroy it, and while you damage it, multiple rounds of enemies are going to spawn, so you'll want to pause every so often to destroy them, so they don't knock you out of the blight. Once the blight's dead, you will complete the event and get your Overthrow progress.

Vrhada, Subjugator Of Insight

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (16)

This Public Event is just a single boss fight, and it spawns directly right where you spawn in The Blooming, near the edge of the island. It starts off with a handful of Taken Acolytes, and as soon as you kill them, a major enemy Subjugator will spawn along with some Taken Goblins and Phalanxes.

All you've got to do is kill the boss with whatever you've got, and you'll complete this event, no extra phases or anything else to deal with.

Harbinger Hunt

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This public event starts at the mouth of the cave with a massive Blight above it in the wall at the on the left edge of The Blooming if you're looking at the map.

You'll see three Taken Acolytes at the mouth of the cave – get rid of them, and more enemies will start spawning inside the cave, with the majority being Husks and Attendants.

Kill the waves of enemies as you go down inside, and there will be a Strand-using Harbinger in the cavern. Take them and the rest of the enemies out of there, and you'll get another chest and some Overthrow progress for doing so.

Corrupted Navigator Purge

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (18)

This event spawn can spawn in two different locations with two different bosses, either a Taken Captain or a Taken Knight:

  • One is in the cave formation in the lower middle area of The Blooming, just north of the Lost Sector entrance.
  • The other is just right of your spawn location, near the edge of the island in about the same location as the subjugator, Vrhada.

Whichever boss you find, the process is the same. Start off by killing the Taken Knights and Goblins around there, then some more enemies will spawn in their place, including the shielded major enemy called the Corrupted Navigator, and a pool of green energy nearby.

Clear out all the Taken then stand in the energy pool to remove the Corrupted Navigator's shield, and the shield will stay off as long as you stay inside the energy. Kill the Corrupted Navigator, and you'll complete the event for 450 Progress.

Potential Overthrow Level Two Encounters In The Blooming

Duel Blight Destruction

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (19)

You'll find this public event on the massive tree bud-like shape near the middle of The Blooming, and you'll find two Blights there that are immune to damage. Start by killing the Taken Psions around the area until a Taken Portal appears nearby, and jump into it.

In the Taken world, you'll have 30 seconds to platform up one of the twopathways of floating islands until you find a Volatile Charge at the top of one of the islands. Grab it, and you'll instantly leave the Taken world, and fall back to the real world where the Blights are.

Throw the charge at the Blight's core to destroy it, then repeat the process a second time until another Taken Portal Spawns, and go back into it to grab the second Volatile Charge. Once both Blights are dead, a major enemy called Lyrix, Sacrificed Of Otzot will spawn, and all you'll need to do is kill them to complete the event.

Ghost Escort

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (20)

Like in The Landing, you can also get the Ghost Escort event, but this time it will be more difficult due to the enemies that spawn. You'll find the Ghost you need at the bottom of thetree bud in the center of The Blooming, near the giant fallen tree.

Start the event by interacting with the Ghost, and follow it to it's first location while you take out the Lucent Hive around. More enemies will spawn when it stops to clear the brambles, the most dangerous of which is a Taken Servile Centurion and some Weavers.

Clear them out, wait for the Ghost to finish, then follow it to its next stop. You'll have some more enemies to fight, this time with Ravenous Taken Captains and more Servile Centurions. After that, the Ghost'll have one last stop

The Offering

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (21)

Like in The Landing, you can also get The Offering activity here as well. It's the same as before: activate the activity, then repeatedly follow the ball of light's specified direction until you reach a pustule. Destroy the pustule with your gun or a grenade to clear the event, then return to the chest for your reward.

Quadruple Blight Destruction

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (22)

This public event spawns on the back side of the tree bud in the center of The Blooming, near the cavernous areas that lead to the Lost Sector. You'll see four different Blights spread out, but you can't just go in and destroy them like usual : they need to be destroyed in a specific order.

If you destroy the wrong Blight, a defense mechanism will spawn a wave of Shadow Thralls and the Blight will come back. To find the right order, look for the Blight with the Ravenous Taken Captains or Servile Captains – these Captains only spawn at the correct one.

Do this four times and a major enemy will spawn in the center of the area. Destroy them along with the rest of the adds, and you'll complete this event.

Blight And Blightguards

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (23)

Like several other events in The Blooming like Vrhada, you'll find this one right of the spawn location near the edge of the island you're on. There's going to be a giant Blight with an immunity shield in the sky, and several types of Taken surrounding it.

Destroy all the enemies and eventually a Blightguard Wizard will spawn. Take it out, then pick up the Volatile Charge relic it drops and throw it at the Blight to do some damage to it. Keep killing the enemies that spawn and another Blightguard will spawn, this time a Knight.

Kill the Knight, get its Volatile Charge, then throw it at the Blight to do another set of damage to it. Do the same thing as before by destroying the enemies until a Blightguard spawns and the Blight will disappear once you throw the final charge at it, completing the event.

Yateth, Taken Stain

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Once again, you've got one more event at the edge of the island to the right of your spawn location. It starts off with some Lucent Hive and Taken fighting, so start clearing them out, and eventually a shielded major enemy called a Putrid Knight will spawn.

Keep killing the regular enemies around it until you get a message saying that Savathun's forces have joined the fray, and immediately head to where they spawned.

You'll find a Revenant Cursed Thrall in the middle that you need to shoot, and an energy pool will appear where it died.

Stand in that energy pool and collect Volatile Fevor, then once the bar's filled up, run over to the Putrid Knight and explode on it to destroy its shield. Take it out, then start killing the regular enemies again until a second Knight spawns, but this one'll be Yateth, Taken Stain.

Repeat the process until you get another Revenant Cursed Thrall to spawn, get your Volatile Fevor from the energy pool, then tackle the Knight to get rid of its shield. Kill Yateth, and you'll complete the event.

Potential Overthrow Level Three Encounters In The Blooming

Sky Blight Destruction

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For this event, you'll find four flat Blights in the sky just off the edge of the island to the right of your spawn again, and several Taken enemies right near, including Ravenous Taken Goblins and Knights.

Aim for the Ravenous Taken Knights in particular, and as soon as they die, they'll drop an Arc Cranium that you'll need to pick up. Use the Arc Cranium to damage the Sky Blights, and get rid of them using it, killing the Taken Knights for other craniums as needed.

As soon as those four Blights are gone, another four will spawn behind you, and some very annoying Pupating Abyss major enemy Ogres will start spawning. Get rid of the ogre first, then grab more Arc Craniums and destroy the other four Blights.

There will be one last round of Blights both in front and behind, as well as two more ogres to kill. Do the same thing as before, but with more danger, and once all the Blights are gone, the event will be complete.

Icon Of Solipsism

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You'll find this event directly across from your spawn location near the tall rock pillars, and at first, there's going to be one shielded Wizard in between several small Blights, and several glimmering Infected Thralls in the surrounding area.

Kill those first two Thralls, and the second Thrall will drop a Volatile Resonance you'll need. Pick it up and throw it at the shielded Wizard then go through the Taken Portal that appears. In this extra zone, there'll be a shielded major enemy ogre called the Icon of Solipsism and around 15 different mini-Blights to shoot.

Destroy as many of them as you can before you're thrown back into The Blooming, and both the Infected Thralls and the shielded Wizard will be back. Repeat the same process as before, but this time, you'll have to deal with Ravenous Taken Acolytes getting in the way.

Make sure to slow your fall when you come out of the Taken Portal or else you'll end up losing most of your health to fall damage.

Go back into the Taken Portal once the Wizard's down and get rid of the last Blights to kick yourself back to The Blooming. Now the Icon of Solipsism will appear without its shield and you'll be able to kill it to complete the event.

How To Defeat The Blooming's Boss

At Overthrow level four, you'll be fighting the boss, and it brings back the Cursed Thrall mechanic from the Putrid Knight public event. You can find it in the center of The Blooming near the caverns, directly down from where you spawn at.

Koftiks, Taken By The Witness is a massive Taken Servitor with three sections to its health bar, and numerous Taken enemies surrounding it. Start damaging the boss with whatever you have, and you can go ahead and use either your Super, Transcendence, or both at this point.

When the first section is gone, Koftiks will get a shield and two groups of Savathun's forcesare going to show up, complete with Revenant Cursed Thralls.

Kill the adds and the Thralls, then stand in the energy pool to collect Volatile Fetor, and run at Koftiks once it's full to get rid of his shield.

It'll move a little further into the caverns after you do this, but you'll be free to keep damaging it until the next section of its health bar is gone. On one third health, the shield will come back, and it'll be time to get more Volatile Fevor from a Revenant Cursed Thrall.

Do the same thing and explode its shield with a full bar of Fevor, then let loose on Koftiks until you finish it off, and get your Overthrow reward chest.

Potential Overthrow Level One Encounters In The Impasse

Ir Anak, Lightdrinker

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (27)

This activity appears across the map from where you spawn in The Landing, near the entrance to the Lost Sector, and it starts off with some normal Taken enemies.

This boss is often a Pathfinder objective, but can also appear as a normal activity on any Overthrow level.

Get rid of the first wave of Taken enemies in the area, and then the Ir Anak, Lightbringer is going to spawn in the middle of them all. They're a major-enemy Taken Wizard, and all you've got to do for them is kill them like any other boss, and you'll complete the event.

Vrhalja, Subjugator Of Ruin

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (28)

This one's another Pathfinder Objective slash activity, and you can find them among the rectangular rocks in the lower right corner of The Impasse if you're looking at the map. Like with Ir Anak, take out the first wave of Taken enemies to make the boss spawn.

Vrhalja will spawn right after that, and it'll be a major enemy Subjugator wielding Strand powers, so watch out for it potentially suspending you off the map. Once it's gone, you'll complete the event and earn some Overthrow progress.

Qeilumn, Subjugator Of Wilderness

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (29)

Qeilumn generally spawns in the cavernous area in the center of The Impasse, under the broken overpass, and it starts off with a handful of Weaver enemies. Start killing them and after a few waves, the boss will spawn in the same spot.

Qeilumn can also spawn in the upper right corner of The Impasse near the temple-like area, if you're looking at the map, but it's the same public event and gives the same progress.

They will be another major enemy, Strand-using Subjugator, but other than that, Qeilumn doesn't have any special attributes, and you can handle it like normal. Once you've defeated them, you'll complete their public event.


Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (30)

This activity also spawns in the center of the Impasse beneath the broken overpass, but it will be at the end with the multitude of hands reaching out. Activate the chest, and a special Grenade energy pool will spawn a few steps away along with some pustules on the hands above.

Stand in that energy pool and your Grenade's recharge will speed up massively while you're inside it. Throw a grenade onto each of the pustules to destroy it, and once all of them are gone, the activity will complete.

Shielded Servile Captain

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (31)

This public event starts in the lower right corner of The Impasse if you're looking at the map, where a set of old buildings are sitting. Start by killing all the regular enemies in the area, and once enough of them are gone, you'll get a shielded Servile Captain to spawn.

A pool of energy is also going to spawn on the roof of the biggest building, and you'll need to go stand in it to remove the Captain's shield, so you can damage it. Do damage as you can and keep inside the energy, and the event will be completed as soon as the Servile Captain is dead.

Potential Overthrow Level Two Encounters In The Impasse

Clockwork Adjustments

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (32)

This public event spawns near the overpass in the center of The Impasse on the right side of it, and it brings back a mechanic from one of the campaign missions: collecting Psionic Insight to control and adjust the clock to the right position.

You don't need to count the node that the hand is already on when counting the Psionic Insight to put into the clock, or else you'll go over the correct spot.

You'll need to do this a total of three times, so start off by clearing away the random Taken and Grims near the clock, then look for the Taken Psions – they'll be spawning around a set of rocks near the first clock for the entire event.

When you get the clock's hand to the right spot, the clock will disappear and another one will appear nearby with a new position. Do the same thing as before and get the Psionic Insight, then make sure the second clock's hand is in the right position.

Be careful of the dual high-value Subjugator and Harbinger combination that can spawn near all three clock locations.

After the second clock is completed, you'll have a third clock to complete using the same process as before, and once that one's completed, the event's boss will spawn: a major enemy Tormentor. This one's an average Tormentor, so destroy both shoulders then aim for the stomach for maximum damage until it's dead and the event's complete.

Shielded Tormentor

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (33)

This event's gonna start on top of the overpass this time, and you'll likely see it from afar, as the shield is massive and contains a Tormentor named Viscera of Nezerac locked in a pyramid shield. The shield is locked down by three shield generators, and you'll need a separate Pyramid Key for each lock that the Gate Warden Retainers drop.

  • The first Gate Warden Retainer spawns on the overpass with the boss, right near the mission point for reruns of Excision, and it's a regular major Taken Knight.
  • The second Gate Warden Retainer spawns behind the overpass in a corner of dead trees near the temple-area, and it's also a major Taken Knight.
  • The third and final Gate Warden Retainer spawns just outside the entrance to the Lost Sector at the bottom section of the map.

When you've unlocked everything, the shield will disappear and the Tormentor's going to be free. This one has the more advanced Tormentor moveset with Void-projectiles, but otherwise it's the same as usual. Destroy its shoulders, then aim for the stomach, and the event will be completed as soon as it's dead.

Potential Overthrow Level Three Encounters In The Impasse

Shielded Blight Destruction

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (34)

You'll find this public event beginning in theempty void between the main area of the Impasse and the section leading to the Lost Sector, and it starts off with a giant Blight that quickly gets shielded.

You'll be able to go inside the shield, but it'll damage you as usual and you won't be able to damage the Blight yet.

To get rid of the Blight, you'll need to find one of the invisible Servile Minotaurs, and three of them will spawn around the Blights. Each one will be protected by two Ravenous Taken Hobgoblins, so look for those and get rid of all three when you find a group.

Take the Arc Cranium that it drops and start damaging the Blight with it until it runs out. You'll need about three to four craniums to destroy the Blight completely, depending on how much damage you can get off, and once it's dead, a boss will spawn in the air.

This boss is going to be a major Taken Wizard named Gizar Ur-nokru, The Sacrificed, who has three sections to her health for shields, but she can be beaten before any of them spawn by using your Super or an extra Arc Cranium. When she's dead, the event will be complete.

Kelgorath Hunt

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (35)

This event spawns in the lower left corner of the Impasse if you're looking at the map, and you'll first see one shielded Aberrant Thrall and one Blight nearby, along with some other Taken.

Start off by destroying the Blight's core and the Pyramid diamond in it so that it drops some Voltatile Resonances, then pick it up and throw it at that shielded Aberrant Thrall to destroy it. After that, another Blight will spawn and three more Aberrant Thralls.

Same process as before: destroy the Blight core and the pyramid piece, and then use the Voltatile Resonances on the Thralls until they're gone. When you've destroyed enough of them, the boss is going to spawn, along with some Attendants.

You'll be fighting Kelgorath, Visage Of Failure, who may be a familiar face, but they're a basic major Taken Knight, and as soon as they're dead, you'll have completed Overthrow event.

Shadow Touched Blights

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (36)

This event starts directly in the temple-like area in The Impasse, and it spawns seven Blights in the area that coat the ground in corruption. These Blights can't be destroyed normally either, you'll need to defeat the Ravenous Taken Knights that start spawning first.

These Blights cause the Shadow Touched debuff which suppresses you to an extent and impairs your ability to jump and sprint.

Each Ravenous Taken Knight you kill will drop a Volatile Charge relic, and you'll need this to destroy the Blights. Throw one relic into the core of each Blight and that will destroy it, so all you'll need to do is repeat this a total of seven times to get rid of all the Blights and complete the event.

Enlightened One Hunt

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (37)

This is another event that spawns beneath the overpass, and it starts off with three massive gold circles on the ground and a lot of enemies. Stand in any of the circles, and as you do, waves of Weavers and Taken Thrall are going to spawn and attack you.

Clear them all out and keep standing in the circle until the light disappears, then go over to the next one. As you shut off the circles, more and more enemies will spawn, and they'll also get more difficult as Tangled Weavers will start appearing and bring shields with them.

Once all three circles are gone, a Subjugator named the Enlightened One is going to spawn in the center of the area, and you'll have to kill them. When the Enlightened One is gone, the event will be completed.

How To Defeat The Impasse's Overthrow Boss

At Overthrow Level Four, The Impasse's boss is going to spawn, and you're in for the most difficult one of them all. There are three possible bosses – a Subjugator, a Harbinger, or a Tormentor – and while their patterns are different, they all have the same health and mechanics to deal with.

Watch out for the orange light lines that periodically cross the area. These are Witness-based attacks that do heavy damage and cause Pervading Darkness, a brief but debilitating status effect.

It begins in the lower right corner of The Impasse in the ruin-like area, and there's going to be a ton of enemies: Taken Vandals, Taken Thrall, and Grims that will constantly spawn alongside the boss. Whichever boss you get, it has three health sections and a lot of health at that.

Focus on dodging everything while you whittle the boss' first health section down, and once you do, it will get an immunity shield, and several Darkness Shards are going to spawn around the area. Run around the area and pick up every Darkness Shard you see, then a message will tell you that the boss' shield has disappeared.

The Call, one of the Pale Heart weapons, is excellent for clearing out the Grim, which tend to dodge other weapons easily.

Once that shield's gone, you'll be able to start damaging the bossagain, and it's just rinse and repeat from there while you handle the adds and watch out for the Witness' attacks. Get its health down to one third, and it'll be the same thing: get rid of the shield by picking up Shards.

If you're having trouble seeing when the sandstorm kicks up, look for the orange glow of the Darkness shards and enemies to keep an eye on where everything is.

After that, all you've got to do now is kill whichever boss you've got and as soon as it's dead, you'll complete Overthrow for The Impasse and have another five-minute window without enemies.


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Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Overthrow Activity Guide (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.