Destiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (2025)

Much like Incandescent for Solar or Voltshot for Arc, Void has its own signature perk called Destabilizing Rounds. It can be hard to acquire but once you do, it will greatly improve the ad-clearing of your Void build.

Today we will go over the weapons that can roll Destabilizing Rounds, what the perk itself does, and how to get the most value out of it.

Destabilizing Rounds weapons in Destiny 2

Currently, the list of weapons that can roll Destabilizing Rounds is very short. It can only roll on some of the newest Void weapons, and we highly recommend getting at least one of them. This is the list of all weapons that can roll Destabilizing Rounds:

ArtWeaponTypeArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Destiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (1)Ecliptic DistaffGlaiveAdaptiveLegendarySpecialVoidFree-to-PlayYesDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (2) SpecialDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (3) Void



PvEPlaylist: PursuitDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (4) NoDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (5)


Season 20EnergyNoTop-tierDestabilizing Rounds
Destiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (6)Death's RazorSwordVortexLegendaryHeavyVoidFree-to-PlayYesDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (7) HeavyDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (8) Void



PvEEngram FocusingDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (9) YesDestiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (10)


Season 20HeavyCraftableDestabilizing Rounds

If you are reading this still in Season 20, try to get the Regnant grenade launcher or Ecliptic Distaff glaive as they both are seasonal weapons.

Otherwise, Nessa’s Oblation shotgun from the Root of Nightmares raid is your best bet. And of course, whenever Iron Banner returns try to get The Hero’s Burden SMG as that is by far the best weapon to roll Destabilizing Rounds for.

What does Destabilizing Rounds do: Hard Figures

What the perk does is pretty straightforward:

Final blows cause nearby targets to become volatile.

-Weapon PerkPvE Damage increasePvP Damage increaseDurationActivation | EffectsTypeWeaponsReleased
Destiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (12)Destabilizing RoundsFinal blows cause nearby targets to become volatile.-Weapon Kills apply Volatile to other enemies in a 6.5-meter radius around the target.SpecificVarious

From the community research at, we know that:

  • Weapon kills apply Volatile within a 6.5 meter radius.
  • There’s a 3-second cooldown before you can trigger the perk again (according to players on Reddit)

All this means that you have to be a bit thoughtful whenever you are using this perk, unlike its elemental counterparts like Incandescent and Volshot.

What does a Volatile do in Destiny 2?

Whenever an enemy slightly glows with purple and has void particles around it,it means it’s volatile. This status in-game is described as follows:

The target is afflicted with unstable Void energy and will explode upon taking additional damage

This is quite self-explanatory: Volatile makes enemies explode. And the explosions are strong enough to clear a horde of red bar enemies.

However, do not mistake this for Volatile Rounds buff. Volatile Rounds is a buff for your equipped Void weapon. It inflicts Volatile on your enemies and allows the gun to pierce the Barrior Champions’ shields and stun them.

How do you trigger Destabilizing Rounds, and what synergizes with it?

Destabilizing Rounds is a god-tier perk when used right. Ensure the enemies are grouped up, and use your weapon with the perk to apply Volatile and clear them out.

The only downside of the perk is the 3-second cooldown. This creates a window in which you are not very efficient. To solve that, here are a few fragments, aspects, and exotics for each class you can use:

Warlocks: Chaos Accelerant and Echo of Instability

The Echo of Instability fragment gives you Volatile Rounds upon grenade kills. This is especially good when you have your build focusing on getting grenades back quickly.

Pairing that with something like an Echo of Expulsion fragment or Chaos Accelerant can make the buff even more potent.

Hunters: Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk and Echo of Cessation

Echo of Cessation creates a burst of Void energy whenever you use a Finisher and applies Volatile to nearby enemies. Similar to Destabilizing Rounds. With this fragment, defeating volatile targets will create a Void Breach that restores class ability energy.

This is a go-to fragment for Void Hunters that take advantage of invisibility and the Vanishing Step aspect. The absolute must for this kind of build is the Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk exotic chest piece. It gives your Void weapons Volatile Rounds after being invisible.

Titans: Controlled Demolition aspect

For Titans, everything is much simpler. The Controlled Demolition aspect makes enemies Volatile whenever you hit them with an ability. Which is extremely powerful and easy to use. You can focus on your melee or grenades and still consistently apply Volatile to enemies.

These are only some ideas for your Void builds that can improve the use of Destabilizing Rounds. Experiment with different builds and find a good balance between offensive and defensive buffs. It’s usually never a good idea to dump everything into one effect.

Before you go…

New ways to increase Destabilizing Rounds’s potency and synergy with Void builds are always coming. As always, we encourage you to take this perk a step further and make it your own! And just as Destabilizing Rounds is a top-tier Void perk, definitely check out Kinetic Tremors, its Kinetic counterpart.

Destiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (13)

Edward Strazd

Destiny 2 is unironically my favorite game of all time. And it is always a pleasure to work with anything Destiny-related. Which is also why I’m here, helping you learn more about the game to be a better and fancier Guardian. You can find Edward on Twitter.

Destiny 2 Destabilizing Rounds: Weapons and Perk guide (2025)


Are destabilizing rounds good in Destiny 2? ›

Destiny 2 gamers are buzzing about the power of Destabilizing Rounds, and for good reason. This powerful perk offers a new approach to elemental damage, particularly in high-level content where every shot counts. DON'T Sleep on Destabilizing Rounds, it's a better Chain Reaction for high level content.

How long is destabilizing rounds cooldown? ›

It Doesn't make since that incandescent and voltshot have no cooldown while destabilizing rounds has a whopping 3 second cool down.

What is the hardest hitting auto rifle in Destiny 2? ›

Quicksilver is the best auto rifle in Destiny Lightfall for both clearing groups of enemies and dealing damage to single targets. Its main feature is the ability to switch to grenade launcher mode, in which it deals massive splash damage.

How do destabilizing rounds work? ›

Weapon Kills cause enemies to explode into a burst of Void energy, dealing ? damage and applying Volatile to enemies in a 6.5 meter radius around the target. 3 second cooldown between activations.

What is the difference between destabilizing rounds and volatile rounds? ›

Do these stack or is using both unnecessary? Volatile flow makes the enemy you are currently shooting volatile, destabilizing rounds makes enemies near an enemy you just killed volatile.

What is the hardest enemy in Destiny 2? ›

Once again, we are not considering unique enemies from strikes or raids (sorry, mini Screebs).
  • 10 Cabal & Taken Phalanxes.
  • 9 Vex Cyclops.
  • 8 Taken Knight.
  • 7 Overload Taken Hobgoblin.
  • 6 Vex Wyvern.
  • 5 Hive Wizard.
  • 4 Taken Captain.
  • 3 Hive & Taken Ogres.

Which weapons have Volatile Rounds? ›

Le monarque, graviton, funnelweb basically anything that can put out a lot of damage fast or cover a large area. Graviton will spread the volatile rounds of one head shot in a group.

What is the ideal cooldown time? ›

How long should I cool down? Not long at all! You only need to dedicate at least 5–10 minutes to your cool down routine. An ideal cooldown begins with gentle movement before transitioning into stretching areas of the body you worked on while exercising.

What is the longest competitive cooldown? ›

Cooldown Lengths
  • Level 1 - 30 minutes.
  • Level 2 - 2 hours.
  • Level 3 - 24 hours.
  • Level 4 - 7 days.
  • Level 5 and beyond - 7 days.
  • 5 days - applied to players getting excessive griefing reports.
  • 38 days - Minorly Disruptive, applied to Griefers.

What is the most powerful weapon in Destiny 2? ›

Khvostov is the best primary weapon in this Destiny 2 PvE weapon guide and Its Exotic Perk makes every seventh bullet ricochet, dealing 250% more damage. Additionally, if you pick up an Orb of Power, which can be collected with the built-in Shoot to Loot perk, your next ricocheting bullets will be enhanced.

What does Graviton Lance do? ›

The Graviton Lance is a very reliable weapon that takes out crowds of fodder enemies with laughable ease. It may falter at long range and when killing stronger enemies, as it deals limited damage and unlike Sunshot it does not fire a single high damage round.

How to get Volatile Rounds in Destiny 2? ›

you get volatile either through the void fragment of grenade kills give volatile weapons or you get it from the seasonal artifact mod (which is passive now) for volatile rounds on orb pickup. volatile rounds works on any void weapon.

What is the volatile perk in Destiny 2? ›

This perk is known as "Volatile Flow". If you've selected this perk, then you will be able to trigger the Volatile Rounds buff for yourself whenever you pick up an Orb of Power or a Void Breach in Destiny 2.

What do unraveling rounds do in Destiny 2? ›

Unraveling rounds provide a significant damage boost in most scenarios. Some players find them annoying only in specific raid challenges. The community consensus leans towards enjoying the unravelling mechanic.

Should I extract weapon patterns Destiny 2? ›

While there is still the need to extract weapon patterns in Destiny 2 before actually forging them, this is a great way to familiarize players with the weapons they use and how they should use them.

What does targeting adjuster do in destiny? ›

Target adjuster increases the aim assist stat, while counter balance increases the recoil direction stat. These are hidden in game, check your specific weapon on to see the values and judge from there which mod would be most useful.

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