Consequences and Comfort (A Giyuu Tomioka Imagine) - Chapter 1 - DaughterofHalt - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

I sighed as I paced part of the little patch of woods close to headquarters.
I had heard something about my beloved Sensei, Giyuu Tomioka, being in trouble for protecting a Demon. I was worried. I knew Sensei. He would never do such a thing unless he had a very good reason.
My main concern was that the Hashira would jump to conclusions. I knew what they thought of him. They thought that he was cold and heartless. If only they knew...
I was jerked out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps racing by not far from where I sat. My blood ran cold as I looked up. Those Kakushi were in charge of the punishment of Demon Slayers. I'd heard a lot of rumors of the terrors of being punished by them.
The meeting hadn't even going on for five minutes. That wasn't nearly enough time to find out what happened.

I guess the other Hashira decided to jump to conclusions after all.

I knew that the Kakushi could also be going to punish the brother of the Demon my Sensei had spared, but I also knew that they'd take the chance to punish him too.
Making a decision, I turned, sharp eyes quickly finding my crow. I called to him.
"I need you to monitor the situation at the Hashira meeting. Report back if Tomioka-Sensei is being punished, and if so, the nature of his punishments."
Sensing how serious I was, the crow obeyed- despite the fact that unauthorized crows were not allowed at such meetings. I didn't care. If my Sensei needed me, I'd be there for him. I didn't care if the Hashira decided to punish me too. They could all go to Hell.
An agonizing fifteen minutes later, my crow returned, wings drooping. My heart clenched in fear.
When my crow told me what the Kakushi, under the instruction of the other Hashira, had started doing to him, as well as what they planned to do to him, I collapsed to my knees and promptly vomited.
I stood up again a few minutes later, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. My heart was filled with a mixture of terror for the sake of my Master, disgust at the nature of what he was going through, as well as anger at what the other Hashira were approving of.
I immediately started rushing towards headquarters as fast as I could.
My beloved Master would not be suffering alone.

Not if I had anything to say about it.

It didn't take long for me to get there. I carefully searched the area.
It didn't take long to find my Master. He'd already been stripped naked, and was currently tied up with his front digging uncomfortably into the rock. He was being brutally whipped.
The sight of his terrified, ashamed, and pained expression, as well as the sickening sounds he was making as he screamed and sobbed, made me see red.
I couldn't stand it any longer. I needed to help him somehow, even if it was just to provide support. I ran through the courtyard and skidded to a stop on my knees in front of him. A stray slash of the whip cut my cheek. I couldn't care less.
I immediately placed my palms on my Master's face. I could hear the Hashira demanding I get away from him, but I ignored them as if they were bothersome pests.
Tomioka-Sensei looked shocked and horrified to see me there. In between strikes of the whip, he tried to tell me to go. To leave him there.

As if I ever would.

I shook my head, stroking his cheeks and wiping his tears. I wanted him to focus on me, and prayed my presence would make the torture the slightest bit more bearable.
"It's okay. I'm staying right here," I whispered to him softly. "You're not going through this alone."
The Hashira were not happy, but thankfully left me alone after I verbally unloaded a wide variety of choice words and threats on them.
Unfortunately, I was unable to get the punishment to stop (and believe me, I tried), but at least I could make it bearable for him. Unfortunately, the rules were that if a punishment was halted, it would restart and double in number and intensity the next time it continued. Because of this, I could do nothing but watch as my sweet, gentle, compassionate Master was raped, and then hundreds of worms were forced into his body through his ass, while boiling hot wax was poured onto his co*ck, which was forced to stay erect to ensure maximum pain. I discreetly tried to wipe the wax off with my haori.
I had never felt so helpless or terrified for my beloved Master's life. He was always so strong. I'd never seen him like this before. I was afraid of what would happen to him after today. How traumatized would he be?

I doubled my resolve to make sure he never felt or looked like this again.

Finally, after the worst afternoon of my life, they finally took my Master away. But not to tend to his wounds, oh no. They tied him (still naked) to a tree where everyone could see him. His back faced the tree, and his legs were spread and strung above his body to keep him exposed. Where Demons and animals could harm him. He was meant to stay there for three days.
I never hesitated to take up my sword and guard him for that entire time. Neither animals, Demons, or Slayers were allowed anywhere near him. I'd throw my rather impressive collection of Nichirin knives as a warning at the feet those who tried to get close. Even the Hashira learned to stay away.
I managed to catch and cook a couple of rabbits as well (my habit of keeping a survivor's kit on me was paying off), and used them to make sure Tomioka-Sensei ate.
He was in a bad way. He was half-delirious most of the time. When he was coherent, he would hardly look at me. He barely spoke two words the entire time.
I was worried that his wounds were infected. I tended to him the best I could without untying or leaving him.
Thankfully, since we were alone, I could provide as much comfort as possible in these conditions. I covered him with my haori, keeping him warm. I gave him the water left in my jug. I tried to make sure he ate. I leaned him forwards when he gagged up a stray worm so he wouldn't choke and suffocate. I tried to keep him clean. I made sure to rub his wrists and ankles so he didn't lose circulation. I talked to him. I sang to him. I gently ran my fingers through his hair. I did everything I could think of to help, all the while trying not to cry.
The second the three days were over, I immediately cut him loose. He groaned as he immediately fell over. I quickly supported him, frowning.
I hoped I could get him home without causing him too much pain.
I didn't even think about going to the Butterfly Estate. Shinobu Kocho was part of the reason why my Master was suffering so much. She was the last person I wanted to treat him. According to my crow, the worms were her idea.

If it was up to me, she'd never treat him again.

It took me over an hour to get him home. I received several offers of assistance (including from one or two of the Hashira), but refused them all. I was still uncontrollably angry at everyone right now. The fact that they wanted to help now after what they did was just rubbing salt in the wound.
I sighed with relief once the entrance to the estate came in sight. Mostly because of who was at the entrance- the only person I trusted to help me look after Tomioka-Sensei. I had sent for him while Tomioka-Sensei had been tied to the tree.

Former Water Hashira Sakonji Urokodaki.

Considering he was still carrying his bag, he must have just arrived. He turned as he heard us, immediately coming over to help me carry my half-conscious Master into the estate. Once he was finally carried inside, we immediately set about tending to his... everything. He passed out within minutes of being laid down.
I could hear Urokodaki-Sama mutter expressions of anger and grief as the full extent of what Tomioka-Sensei had suffered became visible to him.
Once my Master was finally bundled up in clean clothes, his injures treated, and warm broth in his belly instead of worms, the older man took me aside for a more detailed explanation.
I sighed as we both sat down, and began telling him what had been done to my sweet Master.
"It was supposed to be a punishment for protecting a Demon." I continued. "I don't know the details about that, but I know my Master. He would never do such a thing unless he had a valid reason."
I gave the older man a meaningful look as I spoke, and he nodded.
"Giyuu spared Nezuko Kamado two years ago when she was turned. She proved herself to him by showing that she could resist the temptation of human flesh even while starving. Both myself, her brother Tanjiro, and Giyuu have staked our lives on her ability to control herself. Tanjiro is bent on finding a cure for her. Even now, two years later, she has yet to eat a human."
I gasped, placing a hand on my mouth. From what Urokodaki-Sama had just said, there was no reason why Nezuko should be executed. She hadn't killed anyone.
But if that was true, then why...?
"Then, why did they...?" Why did they torture my Master when he didn't do anything wrong?
Urokodaki-Sama sighed. "I can only guess that they refused to hear Giyuu out, and jumped to this..."
I rubbed my nose tiredly. This felt like such a mess.
"What do we do now?"
If it was up to me, I'd never let him anywhere near the Hashira again. No Demon had ever given him as much damage as they had. It made me so angry.
I tried to breathe as Urokodaki-Sama answered. Thankfully, he seemed to be as protective of Tomioka-Sensei as I was.
"I suggest that we do all we can to help him heal. Limiting contact with the other Hashira should help. I don't have any students currently, so I can stay for awhile and help you take care of him. I'll also send a missive to the Master asking for time away from missions for you two while he heals."
I thought for a moment.
"What if the Master refuses to let both of us take a break from missions? I wouldn't normally doubt him, but after what I saw three days ago, I'm not inclined to think the best of people."
Urokodaki-Sama just grinned.
"I guess Giyuu's crow went the message to the wrong person. It's not uncommon. Considering we never got a reply, we assumed the Master was fine with it."
His reply make me smile. Tomioka-Sensei was getting the rest and comfort he deserved, no matter what anyone said. Not even the Master would stand in the way of that.
Urokodaki-Sama rose, and I followed suit.
I was surprised when he suddenly embraced me.
"Thank you for looking after Giyuu as you have, child," the man choked out, suddenly emotional. "I am very grateful that he has a tsuguko such as you to care about him."
I smiled sadly.
"Tomioka-Sensei is much like an older brother to me. I am honored to be the one to help him. I just wish that I could have somehow stopped it from happening at all... I never would have let him go to that meeting if I'd known what would have been done to him there."
The older man chuckled.
"Your care and dedication to Giyuu is admirable. Not many would have done what you have done. You have a good heart, child."
He pulled back.
"Come now, it's your turn to get some rest. From what I've heard, you've spent the last three days looking after your Master. Sleep now. I'll watch over the both of you."
Comforted by the fact that the man would be keeping watch, I acquiesced to his request.
However, haunted by what I'd seen, I couldn't sleep. Finally, I quietly slipped out of my futon, dragging it to my Master's room.
He didn't look peaceful, even in sleep. His expression was tense.
I quietly set my futon up close to him, but also far enough away that he wouldn't feel cornered.
Once I slipped back into my futon, I reached a hand out until my fingers were resting on his wrist, right where his pulse point was. Comforted by the steady feeling of his heartbeat under my fingertips, I was finally able to drift into an exhausted sleep.
The next morning, I was awakened to the sound of whimpering. I looked over at my Master, and gasped. He was writhing in his futon. As he arched his back, head tilting back, I could see sweat dripping down his exposed neck.
I quickly knelt next to him and placed a hand on his forehead, only to quickly pull it away. He was burning up.
Making a decision, I swiftly rose and left the room.
Urokodaki-Sama was sitting in the hallway nearby, his sword across his lap. He turned when he heard me.
"Tomioka-Sama has a high fever. His wounds must have gotten infected despite our best efforts. I think he needs a doctor..."
Urokodaki-Sama nodded, rising smoothly to his feet.
"I'll help you get some cold water and rags, and then fetch a doctor. You keep watch over him while I'm gone."
I nodded, and we set to work. It only took a few minutes to find cold water and fresh rags.
I quickly knelt at my beloved Master's side again.
He was no longer thrashing, but pained whimpers leaked out of his pale lips. He looked terrible.
I carefully dipped a rag in the cold water and gently placed it on his forehead. His reaction was immediate. He started rubbing his head against the cool rag, sighing in relief. I made sure to change the rags every so often, never leaving his side until Urokodaki-Sama returned with a doctor in tow.
I recognized the wisteria symbol on the man's jacket. He must have been from a nearby Wisteria House.
I hastily moved aside so the doctor could examine him, moving to stand next to Urokodaki-Sama. We waited with baited breath until the examination was done.
When he turned to us, his expression was sober.
"His injuries are severely infected due to a lack of immediate treatment. I assume these injuries were inflicted by a Demon?"
Urokodaki-Sama and I both nodded in confirmation. The doctor didn't need to know the truth. That was my Master's story to tell.
"Yes," I lied. "We believe an Upper Rank did this. I don't know how long he'd been like that when I found him."
It was as believable a story as any, if you knew about Demons.

If you didn't know what the other Hashira were capable of.

The doctor gave us some anti-infectant salve to apply to his wounds every few hours, along with other instructions on how to care for him. He also said he'd return tomorrow to check on him.
With the doctor's help, my Master slowly began to heal. Physically, at least. His fever finally broke five days after it started.
Either Urokodaki-San (he'd insisted I drop the -Sama) and I made sure one of us was with him at all times, while the other did various things around the house, while also keeping our senses alert for anyone who was not the doctor. Thankfully, after we sent the third messenger from Kocho (who was arrogantly demanding that my Master be treated in her estate) packing, they all stopped coming.
That gave Urokodaki-San and myself time to plan.
I had not forgotten that one of the possible punishments was that Tomioka-Sensei would be forced to rape Tanjiro-kun. I also did not forget that the suspension of this punishment was only temporary. There was a possibility that the other "Hashira" may try to inflict it after all.
So, the two of us came up with a plan. We intended to spirit Tanjiro-kun and maybe his friends away from the Butterfly Estate.
The plan was fairly simple. Urokodaki-San would distract Kocho by bothering her about my Master's treatment. Meanwhile, I would sneak in and kidnap Tanjiro-kun and Co.
The main problem was that I also had to avoid any confrontations with the other Butterfly Girls.
I knew they probably didn't know what had happened that day, but I wasn't taking any chances. I also knew that since they likely didn't know, they'd have fewer qualms about outing me to Kocho. Eventually, we came up with a believable excuse for my presence.
That left just one more issue to solve. Neither of us wanted Tomioka-Sensei to be left alone. We don't know what the others would do once he was left unguarded. Urokodaki-San had used his own sharp sense of smell to confirm that a steady stream of Kakushi were constantly keeping watch on the Water Estate. We didn't know if they had orders to abscond with my Master the minute we were both gone.
We could possibly leave him with the doctor, but that left several complications on its own.
The doctor didn't know the truth. If a Kakushi knocked on the door, he'd likely have no issues letting them in, especially if they said that we'd sent them. We could tell the doctor not to let anyone in under any circ*mstances, but that would be pointless. The doctor was helpless, even compared to the Kakushi.
The average Kakushi generally didn't have the best sword skills, but even they could subdue a civilian doctor. And it wouldn't be fair to put him in that position- especially when he'd been treating my Master free of charge.
We also didn't want to send him a letter asking him to visit. Kocho would probably know what we were up to, and refuse to let him come.
So then, what did we do?
The best solution we could come up with was to wait until Tomioka-Sensei was well enough to accompany us. But that would mean that the Kakushi would likely see him go, and we were more vulnerable out in the open. A fight would probably break out. Some of us might be injured or killed.
It might seem cold-hearted of us that we were willing to fight and injure our own comrades, but I knew that both of us would do anything to protect Tomioka-Sensei.

Especially after what we'd seen.

Surprisingly, our problem was solved all on its own.
Despite still being injured, Tanjiro-kun had decided to try his luck and visit the Water Estate himself. He'd been there to witness the torture as well, and was no doubt concerned about Tomioka-Sensei. From what I've heard about him, that was completely in his character.
I happened to be on guard duty around the estate when I heard a knock on the gate.
"H-hello? It's Tanjiro Kamado... I-I was wondering if I could visit Tomioka-San... if that's alright."
Not able to believe my luck, I peeked out the gate. He looked exactly like Urokodaki-San said he would. But could it be a trap. Without alerting the boy to my presence, I slipped back inside.
"Urokodaki-San," I called for him. "Tanjiro Kamado is here. Can you confirm his identity and make sure he gets inside?"
The man quickly nodded.
"Of course, child. You stay with Giyuu in here. Just in case it's a trap. I highly doubt it, but we can't be too careful."
I nodded affirmatively, and took my place at my Master's side.
Urokodaki returned a few minutes later, the boy by his side. Urokodaki gave me a barely perceptible nod. This was indeed Tanjiro-kun, and he did not possess any wayward intentions. On the other hand, he seemed quite awkward and apologetic.
I rose to greet him.
"Welcome, Tanjiro Kamado. My name is Y/N. It is good to finally meet you. Come inside, you may see him now. Just please be quiet. He is still resting."
Tanjiro-kun gave me a deep bow as he softly replied.
"It is good to meet you as well, Y/N. I am grateful for your hospitality."
I stepped back and allowed the boy inside.
Tanjiro-kun gasped when he saw my Master.
"He-he looks-"
I sighed.
"His wounds got infected, as I was not permitted to treat them while he was... tied up. His fever is gone, but he's still very weak. He spends most of his time sleeping."
I turned to the boy.
"Could you come talk with Urokodaki-San and myself? We need to have a serious discussion with you. We had actually planned to go to the Butterfly Estate, but since you're here..."
The boy nodded.
"Of course."
He took one last look at my Master as we left the room. We sat nearby the hallway in a strategic position. No one could approach his room without us hearing, seeing, or smelling them.
I looked at Tanjiro-kun soberly.
"As you know, the Hashira suspended the punishment in which Tomioka-Sensei would be forced to rape you. We are both concerned that this punishment may still take place. Therefore, we would like for you and Nezuko to stay here until we can ensure that this has passed. What are your thoughts, young one?"
Tanjiro-kun stared at me in shock.
"Do you- do you really think they would do that?"
Urokodaki-San spoke up.
"We cannot take any chances. This punishment would destroy both you and him. We want to spare you both that at least..."
I lifted a finger.
"Unfortunately, you would be confined to the Estate, unless accompanied by myself or Urokodaki-San. However, your friends are welcome to visit as long as they are vetted each time. You also can't be left completely alone with them. We can't risk you being abducted. Is this agreeable to you?"
Tanjiro-kun thought for a moment, and then nodded.
"I-yes. I'll stay if that's what would give Tomioka-San the assurance he needs. He doesn't deserve to go through any more pain."
I smiled.
"That's wonderful. Thank you, Tanjiro-kun. Now, if I may, might I meet your sister?"
I wanted to meet the Demon my Master had given and risked so much for.
Tanjiro-kun immediately nodded, and tapped on the box sitting next to him.
Slowly, the door opened, and a tiny Demon tumbled out.
I raised a hand to my mouth in shock. She didn't look like any Demon I'd ever seen. She was simply adorable. Her pink eyes met mine. We both blinked, and then she smiled. I found myself smiling too.
"Hello, Nezuko," I whispered. "It's nice to finally meet you."
She immediately started making happy humming noises, before reaching up with small hands to pat my head. I allowed her to, smiling as I returning the gesture.
She went to go hug Urokodaki-San after that, smiling and humming happily all the while.
I think I could see why my Master spared her. She was truly one of a kind.
While Nezuko was hugging Urokodaki-San, Tanjiro looked back at me.
"How is he...? Really?"
I sighed.
"His mental state isn't the greatest, as you can imagine. He's had some breakdowns over the past couple of weeks. He's barely spoken except to ask for water or the toilet. I admit that I'm quite worried about him... hopefully your presence will help... he seems to care about you."
Tanjiro nodded.
"I'd like to help however I can."
I smiled. "That would be much appreciated, Tanjiro. Urokodaki and I have both been stretched thin. Although, please take care of yourself. I know you're still injured. Which reminds me... does Kocho know that you're here?"
A knot in my stomach loosened when Tanjiro shook his head.
"She's on a mission. I didn't want her there when I came here, because I knew she'd probably stop me from coming. She tends to get angry whenever Tomioka-San is brought up."
I nodded. "That was a smart move on your part. She might have guessed that we'd try to keep you here just in case they try anything, and kept you from going. Do the other butterfly girls know?"
Tanjiro shook his head.
"Aoi knows I left, but I didn't tell her exactly where I was going. Just that I needed to visit a friend."
I knew Aoi or Kocho would probably guess where he went, but that's fine. Kocho would have already known from the Kakushi outside the Estate anyways. There was no helping it.
I looked down as Nezuko came back over to me. She sat in my lap and gently pulled my hands into her hair, humming insistently. I blinked and looked at Tanjiro. He smiled.
"She wants you to do her hair!"
I smiled at the adorable Demon.
"Okay, Nezuko! Just sit still and I'll do your hair, alright?"
Nezuko happily nodded as I started.
We talked about various things as I braided her hair in two braids.
Once her hair was done, I gently shifted her off my lap.
"I'm gonna go check on Sensei. I'll be back in a bit."
The two boys nodded at me as I left, Nezuko waving her small hands at me.
I sighed deeply as I entered my Master's room. I looked at him lying prone on the futon. He was awake, but silent.
I carefully approached him.
"Sensei?" I knelt next to him. "How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?"
He looked at me and tried to speak, but couldn't. I quickly reached for the water cup next to the bed.
"Come on... I'll help you sit up."
Once he drank some water, he seemed to be able to speak.
"I... is someone else here?"
Ah. He must have heard us talking.
"Yes. It's Tanjiro and Nezuko. They came to check on you. They'll be staying for a bit while Tanjiro heals. Did you want to see him?"
Sensei seemed to consider my words for a moment, before slowly shaking his head.
I looked at him sadly. He probably didn't want Tanjiro to see him in this state.
I didn't blame him.
"Do you need anything? More water? Food? The toilet?"
He shook his head, before preparing to speak again. His frown seemed to deepen.
"You know... I'd understand... if you no longer... wanted to be... my tsuguko... you deserve better... than looking after... a broken man like me... who couldn't even... defend himself..."
Before he finished speaking, I was already shaking my head. I gently grabbed his hand, squeezing it.
"Hey, hey, none of that now. You are the best Master I could have asked for. I want to be your tsuguko. Not theirs. They tortured you and left you to suffer for three days. They don't deserve an ounce of my loyalty or respect. What happened to you was not your fault. It's theirs, and only theirs. They are cruel, despicable human beings, comparable to Demons. Not like you. You are a good man, a kind man, a gentle and compassionate man. I only want to be your tsuguko. Not theirs. Never theirs. Do you understand me?"
As I spoke, Sensei's eyes slowly got wider. He was pretty much speechless when I was done with my little rant. Finally, he slowly nodded. It was an acknowledgment that he would listen to what I said, and not bring up the topic again.
I smiled shyly down at him.
"Sensei... is it alright if I give you a hug? I promise to be gentle..."
I beamed when he slowly nodded.
I gently leaned down and gently wrapped my arms around him. I smiled when I felt his own hands gently come up to rest on my back.
"You're like a brother to me, so don't even think about telling me to leave again, alright...?"
I felt him sigh, and then nearly jumped when he tentatively pressed a kiss to the top of my head. It was an acknowledgment of his own feelings, and made me feel really happy. To know he saw me in the same way gave me joy.

For the first time, it felt like we were gonna be okay...

As the weeks passed after that awful day, a lot of things changed.
Thankfully, the Master didn't deny any of the requests of Urokodaki and myself. He even allowed me to accompany Tomioka-Sensei to Pillar meetings. I gave a death glare to anyone who dared look his way.
I accompanied him on all of his missions. I made sure to intercept missions where he was ordered to accompany another Hashira. I sent the orders back to the Master while also giving him a piece of my mind. I knew that he probably wanted the relationship between the other Hashira and my Master to be repaired, but I wasn't having it. Tomioka-Sensei was fully capable of reaching out himself if he wished to.
So far, he hadn't said a word about doing so.

I had also started my own plan of revenge on the Hashira. I wanted them to understand that their actions also have consequences.
I wanted them to suffer like my Master suffered. I wanted them to receive a punishment that would affect them for more than a week. So, I set my plan in motion.
It was quite simple, really. I intended to destroy their reputations. For each punishment they chose for my beloved Master, they would now have corresponding rumors spread about them.
I was careful, of course, and made sure I could deny anything if they thought I had anything to do with it.
For Kanroji, who suggested that my Master rape Tanjiro-kun, I spread rumors that she was into pedophelia
For Kocho, who's chosen punishment was the worms forced into his body, I spread rumors that she'd do the same thing to all the Demon Slayers who didn't listen to her orders.
For Uzui, Tokito, Rengoku, and Shinazugawa, who's chosen punishments were forced blowj*bs, rape, hot wax, and ten forced org*sms respectively, I spread rumors about how they were sexual sad*sts.
For Himejima, who's chosen punishment was being tied up naked and whipped, I also spread similar rumors of a sad*stic nature.
Because, as far as I knew, although he'd brought up the topic of punishment, he'd never actually given a suggestion, I'd mostly left Iguro alone.
Finally, for the Master, I spread rumors that he'd let you be punished even if he knew you didn't do anything wrong.
After all, Tomioka-Sensei had been tortured in his front yard. There was no way he didn't know it was happening.

It didn't even take a month after I first started the rumors. The other Hashira were now feared and even despised by their fellow Demon Slayers. More and more Slayers would request a change in missions after learning they were assigned to a Hashira. The rumors became distorted into something even worse as they spread. I never bothered correcting them.
There was one exception. Tomioka-Sensei.
While I was spreading these rumors, I also spread rumors about my own Master- about how his loyalty and kindness ran so deep that he'd risk torture to protect you.
So, while most Slayers were begging to be assigned away from the other Hashira, they were flocking to Tomioka-Sensei. He became the most respected and highly praised of all the Hashira. Random slayers would come up to him and beg to become his tsuguko.
This pleased me greatly. My Master was finally getting the respect he deserved.

One day, a couple months after the rumors started, I was summoned to headquarters. I had a feeling I knew why. The Hashira were finally being affected by the rumors. They thought I was up to it.
I walked into the courtyard with my head held high. They couldn't prove anything. Even if they could, and they punished me, I'd make sure the whole Corps knew what they were really capable of.
I sat down on my knees in my usual place to the side, facing both the Hashira and the Master. The absence of Tomioka-Sensei told me that my intuition was correct. This was indeed about the rumors.
The fact that they didn't dare invite my Master told me all I needed to know about their mindset towards the situation. By removing him from the meeting, they didn't have to face what they'd done. It was a coward's move, and something I'd come to expect from them.
The meeting started as expected.
The Master brought up the rumors that had even reached him, it seems. He gave me a meaningful look.
"Tsuguko Y/N? Do you have anything you want to share?"
I chuckled.
"I'm quite sure I don't know what you mean."
The Master raised an eyebrow.
"The rumors only started after your Master was punished. Did you start them?"
I chuckled again.
"You realize that what happened to Tomioka-Sensei isn't exactly insider knowledge, right? He was strung up for three days, in case you forgot."
The other "Hashira" winced at my harsh tone. The Master didn't bother rising to the jab. He continued.
"That may be true, however, your volatile nature makes you the most likely one to start such despicable rumors. You must cease at once."
I straight up laughed.
"Wow, wow, wow. Look at you, blaming me. Assuming I did start the rumors, which I didn't, you still think that this is my fault? You don't think that these imposters who call themselves Hashira deserve every bit of it? Deserve to feel just the slightest bit of the humiliation and hatred my Master felt?"
When the Master made to reply, I cut right through it.
"I wish it had been me, alright!! I wish that I had started these rumors!! But I'm glad they're there. It means that you lot are finally getting what you deserve!! I hope you all rot in Hell!!"
Not bothering to give a proper bow, I stood up and left. I never looked back.

A few years later, a lot changed in the Corps. For some of the Hashira, their reputations became so bad that they not only had to resign from their positions, but retire from the Corps altogether. Not a single Slayer would work with them. It took a long time to find replacements.
Kagaya Ubuyashiki was also no longer the Master, although he was still alive. He was replaced by his much kinder son, who went so far as to cease the use of the type of punishments that my Master suffered. He also made sure that any punishments would only take place after a fair trial. Corps morale shot up after that.
Tanjiro ended up becoming a Hashira after almost single-handedly killing Upper Moon Six. He'd ended up becoming Sensei's tsuguko alongside me, and his training had rapidly improved because of that.
Zenitsu and Inosuke had ended up also training under him.
Sensei thrived under the positive influence of us kids. The five of us seemed to bring out the best in him.
I believe the strength we gave him is what allowed him to vanquish Upper Moon Three during the Mugen Train mission, myself alongside him.

Consequences and Comfort (A Giyuu Tomioka Imagine) - Chapter 1 - DaughterofHalt - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.