Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (2024)



Spicy instant noodles aren’t the only food that’s been getting attention. Singly sold tortilla chips dusted with Caroline Reaper and Naga Viper pepper extracts have also come under fire after a US teenager died after eating it.

Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (1)

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Khoo Bee Khim

We don’t think much about it when we tuck into all manners of spicy food here, including Samyang’s popular range of Buldak instant noodles. The well-loved South Korean instant noodle brand recently gained infamy for being banned in Denmark for being too hot – in particular, the Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, Buldak 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken, and Buldak Hot Chicken Stew.

The Danish Veterinary And Food Administrationeven said in a statement on Jun 11 that the spice level in a single packet of the noodles was "so high that they pose a risk of the consumer developing acute poisoning”. "If you have the products”, the statement added, “you should discard them or return them to the store where they were purchased”.

Just how spicy are these instant noodles? Definitely not as fiery as biting into a cili padi or bird’s eye chilli, which measures 100,000 to 250,000 SHU (or Scoville Heat Unit) on the Scoville scale. And certainly nowhere near the 2.6 million SHU reserved for the pepper so hot, they named it Pepper X.

The hottest of the banned trio in Denmark, Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, stands at 13,200 SHU, followed by the Buldak 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken at 10,000 SHU. The Buldak Hot Chicken Stew, at 4,400 SHU is slightly higher than the jalapeno pepper’s 4,000 SHU.

Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (4)

Then again, spiciness is relative and one man’s MacDonald’s garlic chilli sauce could be another’s mala xiang guo. But can the heat cause acute poisoning like the Danish food agency said? And could you potentially die from eating face-meltingly spicy food? We find out from the experts.


That notion probably rose from reports on an American teenager, who died in September 2023 from eating a single tortilla chip dusted with Carolina Reaper and Naga Viper pepper extracts. It was known as the One Chip Challenge on social media and Amplify Snack Brands, the company behind the Paqui chip brand, promptly pulled the product from the shelves.

Could death by spicy food be a thing? First, the chillies in question are two of the hottest varieties ever recorded, other than Pepper X. The Carolina Reaper has a fiery score of 2.2 million SHU, while the Naga Viper stands at 1.3 million SHU. Furthermore, the 14-year-old’s death was caused by cardiopulmonary arrest, which could have been contributed by an enlarged heart, which is a congenital heart defect, according to AP News.

“There have been reports of acute toxicity with capsaicin causing ischaemia of the heart muscle,” said Dr Syed Haider, a cardiologist at MedStar Washington Hospital Center in the news report. “Large doses of capsaicin can increase how the heart squeezes, putting extra pressure on the artery.”

Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (5)

But such incidents are rare. "You might feel like you’re dying but eating profoundly spicy food is highly unlikely to cause death”, said Dr Shim Hang Hock, a gastroenterologist from Parkway East Hospital. “Most people may experience symptoms such as intense pain, burning sensation, diaphoresis, nausea and vomiting. But these sensations are temporary and will not lead to death.”

Still, it pays to know your tolerance limit as “extremely high levels of spiciness could worsen existing medical conditions” in rare cases, said Dr Shim.


“Capsaicin is the active chemical compound in spicy food that contributes to the pungent flavour,” said Dr Shim. “Capsaicin binds to the TRPV1 (or transient receptor potential V1) receptor, which detects heat and pain.”

Dr Melvin Look, the director of PanAsia Surgery and a consultant surgeon in gastrointestinal, laparoscopic and obesity surgery, explained that "TRPVI receptors can also be stimulated by other noxious stimuli like heat or acid". "It is essentially a protective reflex to prevent us from consuming harmful substances."

Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (6)

The reason we love spicy food is that the pain produced caninduce the release of endorphins, according to Dr Shim. Some people may simply enjoy the sensation of heat and spice on their taste buds. “Capsaicin may also create a temporary sensation of warmth in the body, which some people find comforting,” he said.

There are adverse effects to consider as well. "If capsaicin is ingested in large amounts, it can stimulate the rest of the gastrointestinal tract and produce symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain and abdominal pain. It can also stimulate abnormal gut motility leading to reflux and diarrhoea," said Dr Look.

He added that thosewith "a history of gastrointestinal problems such as gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome are likely to be more sensitive to small amounts of capsaicin".


About 0.5mg to 1mg is all it takes to kick off capsaicin's mild, unpleasant effects, said Dr Look, citing human studies. "Serious adverse effects (eg. cold sweats, changes in blood pressure or dizziness) start to appear when more than 170mg is ingested" or the "equivalent of eating 1kg of jalapeno peppers", he said."These symptoms would be extremely unpleasant but they will likely abate in half a day or so."

He added: "In comparison, the lethal dose for capsaicin is estimated to be far higher at around 35,000mg of capsaicin for an adult.You would usually have to force yourself to eat an amount of spice that is far beyond what is generally tolerable. This sometimes happens when people subject themselves to a spice eating challenge".

Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (7)

The level of gastrointestinal discomfort can also increase if you eat chillies that rank higher on the Scoville scale, said Dr Shim. However, “there is no defined minimum level on the scale that could cause gastrointestinal issues”, he said.“This is because everyone may have a different tolerance level due to innate and trained factors such as genetics, personal preferences and cultural influences”.


Ingesting capsaicin “does not normally result in acute poisoning”, said Dr Shim, “unless an extremely high amount is consumed, especially in susceptible individuals.”

“For example, when accidentally inhaled, capsaicin may result in asthma attack or respiratory distress,” said Dr Shim.“It's therefore always best to consume spicy foods in moderation and be aware of one's tolerance level to avoid any adverse reactions.”

Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (8)


Whether you find spicy food a pleasure or pain depends on innate and trained factors, said Dr Shim.

“Innate factors include variation of genetics, taste receptors and pain perception. Trained factors include the repetitive exposure to spicy foods leading to desensitisation and increased tolerance over time. This can also be influenced by cultural background and personal preference of spicy food,” he said.

But whether you'll eventually learn to enjoy spicy food is a different issue altogether, said Dr Look, as nobody really knows why some people enjoy them and others don't."The fact that other than humans and the tree shrew, all other animals are repelled by the burning sensation of spicy food seems to suggest that this is a cultural and acquired preference."

If you're up for some "training", the best way to quell the burning sensation in your mouth is with a gulp of full fat milk or ice cream, said Dr Look. "The diary protein called casein can bind to capsaicin and takes it away from the thermoreceptors in your mouth."

Source: CNA/bk

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Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? (2024)


Can you die from eating extremely spicy food? Why do we have a love-hate relationship with chilli? ›

“Large doses of capsaicin can increase how the heart squeezes, putting extra pressure on the artery.” But such incidents are rare. "You might feel like you're dying but eating profoundly spicy food is highly unlikely to cause death”, said Dr Shim Hang Hock, a gastroenterologist from Parkway East Hospital.

Is it possible to die from eating something too spicy? ›

Can you die from eating spicy food? High doses of capsaicin can lead to injury to the heart or abnormal heartbeat (dysrhythmia), which can be fatal. Capsaicin is in pepper spray and bear spray which can harm humans.

Is spicy food bad for your heart? ›

Spicy food may play a role in promoting heart health. Research shows a correlation between a higher intake of spicy food and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have also found a relationship between spicy food intake, higher HDL cholesterol levels (the "good" kind of cholesterol) and lower blood pressure.

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Capsaicin is also a chemical irritant and neurotoxin for mammals, including humans. 'So, if you like spicy food, you like pain,' the doctor said. He added, 'Capsaicin also desensitises pain receptors, and so you want to eat food that is spicier and spicier to feel the burn. It points to benign masochism.

What happens if we eat too much spicy food? ›

Eating too spicy food causes stomach pain When eating too spicy will make the stomach affected. The signs of the disease are easily recognized such as: Vomiting, heartburn, stomach burning or may cause gastroesophageal reflux. In addition, the stronger the spicy level, the more severe the stomach and duodenal ulcer.

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Extremely spicy foods is one potential cause of profound esophagitis, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, and research has found that capsaicin frequently triggers gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms. Spicy food is also responsible for a lot of garden-variety indigestion, other research found.

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Can Spicy Foods Cause Long-Term Damage?
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
  • Celiac disease.
  • Stomach ulcers (though spicy foods do not actually cause ulcers)
  • Gallbladder issues.
  • Acid Reflux/gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (INS)
  • Anal fissures.
Jun 23, 2022

What does spicy food do to your brain? ›

Chili peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which causes the burning sensation you feel after eating them. But capsaicin also can also help to alleviate pain by depleting the body's supply of Substance P, a neurotransmitter that sends pain signals to the brain.

Is spicy food bad for your liver? ›

Hot spicy foods: Hot and spicy foods such as garlic, ginger, chili, coffee, pepper, ... are not good foods for people with fatty liver disease. If you deliberately eat it, it will make the condition worse and weakened because the liver cannot excrete fat.

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Spicy foods are healthy. Spicy foods don't cause ulcers, but be careful if you have irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Basically, if spicy foods give you stomach pain, think before you eat. Spicy foods don't cause hemorrhoids, but you may feel the burn if you have anal fissures.

Why do we cry when we eat spicy food? ›

Your body thinks it is in danger and activates its defense mechanisms. One of the first reactions is to produce tears. This happens because your body is trying to flush out the capsaicin, just as it would with an irritant in your eyes. So the tears are a way to protect yourself.

What do you call a person who loves spicy food? ›

So you could say something like a “hot chiliphile”, although that's a bit more specific than what was asked.

Is spicy a taste or just pain? ›

By the way: The sensation “spicy” is very often described as a taste. Strictly speaking, though, it is only a pain signal sent by nerves that pass on information about temperature and touch. Foods that are seasoned with chili powder activate “pain and heat” signals.

Who shouldn't eat spicy food? ›

People with conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), indigestion or other digestive issues should avoid eating spicy foods. Otherwise, most people can safely tolerate some level of spiciness. In fact, eating spicy foods you enjoy is good for you.

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India: Phaal Curry

Recognised as the spiciest dish on the planet, those who attempt to eat the fiery Phaal Curry are often required to sign a form before eating (essentially so they won't sue the restaurant if something goes terribly wrong).

What happens if you stop eating spicy? ›

When you stop eating spice, for two months, you will notice your tongue turning white. That's a big sign of negative. The taste cells or papillae in your tongue will get used to that bland food and just a little bit of spice can cause so much uneasiness and irirtabilty.

How much spicy can a human handle? ›

Some chiliheads have reported hallucinations after eating spicy foods in the 6 million SHU range, while higher concentrations could cause vomiting, gagging, and may even make someone pass out. Scientists suggest that it would take about 13 grams of pure capsaicin to kill a 150lb.

Is it true that spicy food kills bacteria? ›

Therefore, while spicy foods may have some antimicrobial effects, they should not be relied upon as a method to destroy bacteria. Proper food preparation and cooking are the best ways to ensure food is safe from harmful bacteria.

What happens if you inhale spicy food? ›

When inhaled, capsaicin can trigger an asthma attack or respiratory distress in susceptible people. To help alleviate the burning sensation caused from eating capsaicin, small sips of milk or water may be helpful.

Can you damage your mouth with spicy food? ›

Can Spicy Food Irritate Gums? While capsaicin doesn't directly damage gum tissue, it can irritate sensitive gums. Here's how: Inflammation: Capsaicin can trigger a mild inflammatory response in the mouth, which might lead to temporary discomfort, especially for people with existing gum inflammation (gingivitis).

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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